double finance and economics major at uw madison?

<p>I will most likely be attending UW-Madison next year and was planning on double majoring in finance and economics. I was curious as to how many of the prerequisite classes for these two majors overlap and how many extra years/semesters of school would getting this major take me at Wisconsin??</p>

<p>thanks alot</p>

<p>Good discussion question for your SOAR advisor. You can do your research on the UW website in advance- check both majors and their reqs.</p>

<p>Finance and econ overlap heavily even though they’re in different colleges. To do this you’d have to apply to business school and declare your second major as econ (staying in L&S and declaring finance as the 2nd major is not an option). </p>

<p>Intro econ is a pre-req for b-school admission, and finance is part of the b-school of course. Then there’s about 3-4 courses that are crosslisted econ and finance. The only courses you’d have to take in econ that couldn’t count in finance are econometrics and intermediate macro/micro. </p>

<p>This is frequently done so it’s not a problem. I see lots of finance majors in my upper level econ courses…and I’m always the only accounting major.</p>

<p>Just realize that this sort of double major should only be for your curiousity. Don’t do it if you don’t love both topics. Like a double major in chemistry and biochem, it’s a bit silly unless you’re just plain interested in both.</p>

<p>Also upper level econ classes are no walk in the park.</p>