<p>Good evening! :D</p>
<p>I'm wondering what are my options if I'm interested in the following:</p>
<p>Double Major: Accounting and Engineering
Minors: Leadership and Business</p>
-Is this a possible workload to graduate in 4 years? </p>
<p>-Considering my interests, what are possible alternatives?</p>
<p>-What are your experiences with any of those subjects?</p>
<p>*Posting in the engineering thread as well for different perspectives.</p>
<p>what type of engineering?</p>
<p>Still undecided but I’m looking into computer. :)</p>
<p>Question is difficult to answer without knowing your curriculum, but I’d say doubtful. Most likely 5+ years of summers of full course load leaving you no time to do the resume boosting things students do during summer. </p>
<p>This combo makes no sense, what are your motives?</p>
<p>I’m interested in both accounting and engineering. While I do struggle in physics, I’m fascinated by engineering. Accounting seems to also very practical though I don’t have much experience with it so far. I’m still in my schools Rocket and Robotics club and my dad used to do something in accounting- he thought it was boring but he thinks it would be good for me especially since I don’t have an aptitude for physics. I might want to try computer engineering with accounting, and if the engineering part gets too bad for me, I might do comp sci. How much more manageable would that be?</p>
<p>This combo would be a complete waste of time. Pick one and run with it, but from the sounds of it, I would go with engineering and just do your best in physics.</p>
<p>^^^What he said. It’s one thing to major in two irrelevant subjects when your time permits it. You would be delaying graduation a long time or losing summer experience. </p>
<p>Nobody in the accounting world will care about your engineering major and nobody in engineering will care about an accounting major. I think your best option would be to MINOR in accounting.</p>
<p>jaysorenson19> Thanks for your reply! :D</p>
<p>workingATbig4> Not sure how appropriate this question is but which is better in terms of job market do you think? The colleges I’m looking to attend are UF or UCF, if I attend UCF, there’s internship opportunities with Lockheed Martin which is close by. Do you know if accounting jobs at a predominantly engineering company would be as stable/well-paying as companies that specialize in the accounting field? I’m rather ignorant about this stuff. :/</p>
<p>The accounting firms recruit at both ucf and uf. however, uf students will have higher preference over those from ucf. but then again, our program is a lot harder at uf</p>
<p>Your program is “harder”? I promise you, coming from someone involved in recruiting for Big 4…we don’t recruit schools because they are “harder”. Accounting programs teach the same thing in very similar ways. The difficulty is never that different from school to school. If we recruit at your school we’ll hire you if you interview well. </p>
<p>The ONLY reason “target” schools exist is because that school has been sending slaves to the big 4 with solid results for a while and we don’t want to change our strategy. It has nothing to do with difficulty of the program. In times of hiring increases we increase number of hires from schools we don’t tend to hire from as often. </p>
<p>There aren’t many different ways to teach accounting. Your professors aren’t teaching you ground-breaking material in an exciting new way that makes you better…you just go to a school that is a flagship. Flagship schools are ALWAYS our main targets. </p>
<p>I remember I came in with a guy who was SO sure that his education made him the best auditor ever. His school was “ranked in the top 10”! He was the FIRST to be let go…took 5 months. </p>
<p>OP…generally industry jobs will pay more than most CPA firms, but, at times, not big 4. I have been told by dozens of entry level people from clients I work on that the work is mind-numbingly boring and that it kills them to see so many Big 4 alums come in and take their promotions.</p>
I may be ignorant about this but is there a difference between a CPA at Lockheed Martin vs. at the Big 4? Does one provide more opportunities for advancement, higher salaries, etc?</p>
<p>The CPA is a certification, not something you get from your employeer.</p>
<p>Sorry I should clarify. I mean working as a CPA in Lockheed vs. working at the Big 4.</p>