Double major and scholarship $$

<p>Ds is pretty much in that going crazy trying to sort through school options phase and I have spent quite a bit time reading this site. $$ is going to play a large factor in his decision. Ds already has the presidential scholarship and applied as a physics major. He is actually planning on a double major in electrical engineering and physics. After reading here, it sounds like if he had applied as an engineering major vs a physics major that he would qualify for more scholarship money. Is that correct? I know he tried to list a double major and called about it, but he was told he couldn’t do that until freshman advising. </p>

<p>Is it too late to qualify for engineering scholarship $$?</p>

<p>My son did the same thing about a year ago (It was in November though) . It’s an easy fix. My son was thinking of the physics/ee double major (but preferred physics) so he listed physics. After realizing that the classes for the double major are exactly the same the first couple of years he changed it to EE. It’s easy to do - just go to MyBama and change the major. A few weeks later the letter for the engineering scholarship arrived. Since then he’s decided that EE is a better fit for him. and never listed physics</p>

<p>You may want to call though - I don’t know if the January 6th scholarship deadline applies to switching majors and departmental scholarships. </p>

<p>In case anyone else is looking for into the double major issue here’s a some unrelated info…
The double major issue came up again before Bama Bound when my son realized he could squeeze in a theater major along with EE.</p>

<p>Policy is you can’t declare a double major until after classes start your first semester; which isn’t a big deal - unless you are trying to sign up for classes that are only open to students in that major. Even then there’s a way around it. My son needed acting classes for his first semester. Last summer his only listed major was EE. At Bama Bound he got an override from a senior advisor in the College of A&S so he could take two acting classes. He then added the double major in October so signing up for acting spring classes was no problem.</p>

<p>Your son can change his Primary Major to eng’g on MyBama…academics tab, left column, scroll down…find the link to change the major.</p>

<p>So, he can change to eng’g…and then declare physics as a Second major once he matriculates.</p>

<p>This way, he’ll get the extra money.</p>

<p>Today is 6th, so do this online b-4 midnight deadline, to b sure?</p>

<p>Gamom: is your S involved in CDA on campus by any chance? CDA=College of eng’g Does Amateur radical theater. Anyone is welcome, but it’s mostly eng’g students with some acting backgrounds who want to continue acting without the obligation of Theater Dept/major demands.</p>

<p>DS is a double major EE/ Physics. Yes in order to get the engineering scholarship EE must be the first major. When we visited UA when DS was in High School, we met with several profs in the Physics department and DS was told to apply for some Physics Dept. Scholarships. He applied and received scholarships for both freshman semesters. He is a sophomore this year and his scholarship renewed automatically. I believe he must maintain a 3.3 GPA in physics for the scholarship to renew. It might be too late for this year, but definitively have your son ask about physics departmental scholarships once he has a physics advisor. Yes, double majors in EE/ Physics are assigned two advisors. Son does all the EE advising via email and the Physics advising in person.</p>

<p>Thanks. He already met with the dean of the dept and he is the one who suggested the double major. He already filled out the physics scholarship info. His heart is in physics, but the practical side of him is pulled toward EE.</p>

<p>He already filled out the physics scholarship info</p>

<p>I don’t know about physics specifically, but most dept scholarships go to those who don’t have the Presidential. the exceptions are eng’g, theater, and music.</p>

<p>DS has the presidential, the engineering scholarship and the physics scholarship.</p>

<p>DS has the presidential and engineering scholarships. He is a soph EE, and will be adding physics as double. He has a 4.0 gpa. Can he get additional scholarship money from physics?</p>

<p>Charrdo - your son should talk to his physics advisor. I do not believe that the physics scholarship is automatic like the engineering. Your son will have to apply for it and if awarded it will renew automatically if he keeps up his physics GPA.</p>

<p>DS has the presidential, the engineering scholarship and the physics scholarship.</p>

<p>Can you tell us the progression?</p>

<p>I know that you can NOT get the eng’g scholarship w/o going in as a frosh eng’g major. You can’t declare eng’g later and get it.</p>

<p>So, did your son declare eng’g and then add physics? and, if so, then when was he awared the physics merit? Was it after he added physics as a second major?</p>

<p>^ He entered UA as an engineering major and has the engineering scholarship. He is in middle of soph year (junior standing thanks to AP credits), and will be adding physics as second major when he returns from break.</p>

<p>I think it is too late to apply this yr, but ds applied for the Barr Scholarship found on the physics scholarship website. It requires 2 LOR, the application, and a one page statement about why physics and their career goals. But, it looks like they can apply at any time during their 4 yrs vs having to have it as an entering freshman.</p>

<p>For DS this was the sequence:
1.Applied as Physics major with the intent of adding EE
2.Was awarded the Presidential
3.During his visit DS was advised to declare EE as his major to get the engineering scholarship and to apply for the Barr scholarship for Physics
4.Engineering scholarship was awarded
5.We paid the bill for Fall 2013
6. One or two weeks after Fall semester started DS was awarded the Barr scholarship and a credit was posted to the account.
The Barr scholarship renews automatically if the physics GPA requirement is met ( I think 3.3). However because the grades for the Physics class most be finalized before the scholarship is awarded, every semester the Barr is posted after we pay for the semester.</p>

<p>The award of the Barr for DS so far as been $1000 per semester.</p>

<p>Ok…so you do have to declare eng’g as your primary major as an incoming frosh. Then add Physics later.</p>

<p>I’m guessing that your son wasn’t able to add Physics until AFTER school started?</p>

<p>Yes, DS declared the second major( Physics) after Fall 2013 semester started. However, he had spoken to several profs in the physics department and when he applied for the Barr he made it clear in the application that he wanted to be a double major. I believe that he also emailed his now physics advisor after submitting the Barr application to let him know that he had applied. Note that at that time DS did not know that this prof was going to be his advisor.</p>

<p>For anyone interested, ds called this morning and was told it was not too late to change his first major to EE bc his scholarship application had been submitted on time which is what mattered.</p>