<p>Firstly, I was wondering what double majoring in Business and Law would be like? I'm really interested in both, and I was wondering, in general, what the difficulty level is, if it's hard to keep up with the work, etc, etc. Should I just stick with a major and a minor?</p>
<p>ALSO, some statistics! What are my chances? Anything I can attempt to work on before I send everything in this fall.</p>
<p>SAT: 1830 (Want to get this up. Haven't taken it since last winter, so I think I can do better. I took it pretty early my Junior year.)
ACT: 28
GPA: 3.8
UF GPA: between a 4.3 and 4.5. I haven't calculated it recently.</p>
<p>ECs: 4 Honor Societies (officer positions for 2 of them), Flag football team since Freshman year (captain on Freshman and JV, moved up to Varsity throughout this past season; also won a State Championship this past season with Varsity :D), recreational Flag Football since I was 6 (about 12 years), volunteering at an Autistic Summer School for 3 years.</p>
<p>APs (taken so far): 7 (13 total by the end of senior year)</p>
<p>Senior Year Courseload: AP Econ. and Gov., AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Literature, AICE Spanish, Anatomy and Physiology Honors, TV Production 4 (This class is honors, and was honors for my junior year as well. Only regular for my first two years.)</p>
<p>My other classes throughout the years have been mostly honors. Straight A's both semesters my Junior year, and I know that's the most important year. 4 A's, 3 B's 1st semester Sophomore year, and 5 A's, a B, and a C 2nd semester. I had pretty difficult classes Sophomore year, but the C makes me nervous. Freshman year is the same as Junior.</p>
<p>Volunteer Hours: Over 400, and around 500 by the time I apply.</p>
<p>Job: Since 2011; in an office, working with accounting and deposits and whatnot.</p>
<p>Any helpful tips would be great! Please respond! :D</p>