Double Major/Chances?

<p>Firstly, I was wondering what double majoring in Business and Law would be like? I'm really interested in both, and I was wondering, in general, what the difficulty level is, if it's hard to keep up with the work, etc, etc. Should I just stick with a major and a minor?</p>

<p>ALSO, some statistics! What are my chances? Anything I can attempt to work on before I send everything in this fall.</p>

<p>SAT: 1830 (Want to get this up. Haven't taken it since last winter, so I think I can do better. I took it pretty early my Junior year.)
ACT: 28
GPA: 3.8
UF GPA: between a 4.3 and 4.5. I haven't calculated it recently.</p>

<p>ECs: 4 Honor Societies (officer positions for 2 of them), Flag football team since Freshman year (captain on Freshman and JV, moved up to Varsity throughout this past season; also won a State Championship this past season with Varsity :D), recreational Flag Football since I was 6 (about 12 years), volunteering at an Autistic Summer School for 3 years.</p>

<p>APs (taken so far): 7 (13 total by the end of senior year)</p>

<p>Senior Year Courseload: AP Econ. and Gov., AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Literature, AICE Spanish, Anatomy and Physiology Honors, TV Production 4 (This class is honors, and was honors for my junior year as well. Only regular for my first two years.)</p>

<p>My other classes throughout the years have been mostly honors. Straight A's both semesters my Junior year, and I know that's the most important year. 4 A's, 3 B's 1st semester Sophomore year, and 5 A's, a B, and a C 2nd semester. I had pretty difficult classes Sophomore year, but the C makes me nervous. Freshman year is the same as Junior.</p>

<p>Volunteer Hours: Over 400, and around 500 by the time I apply.</p>

<p>Job: Since 2011; in an office, working with accounting and deposits and whatnot.</p>

<p>Any helpful tips would be great! Please respond! :D</p>

<p>You GPA is awesome, and your senior year course load is great. Work on getting that ACT score up to a 30, nail the essay, and I don’t think you have anything to worry about. At the current state, I still think you have a pretty good shot of getting in.</p>

<p>Law is not a major at UF but perhaps you could major in political science and concentrate on law related classes? I know there are several classes like Race Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Liberties, etc. Take Professor Stafford if you are interested in these areas. </p>

<p>I have somewhat similiar majors. I am doing Economics through the Business College and Political Science through Liberal Arts and Sciences - so I have to do the requirements for 2 degrees (different than double majoring). It is very managable if you work out your course schedule right ahead of time. However this only works for me because I came in with 50 credits from AP and Dual Enrollment. Otherwise it would take you more than 4 years.</p>

Thanks :slight_smile: And I was planning on only retaking my SATs, but I’ll definitely look into retaking my ACTs now!</p>

I did research on law after you sent this, and I realized law isn’t really an undergrad major, like you said. So I’ll probably just major in business management and take some classes on the side for law, and probably consider law school later. Thanks for your help! Also, you’re talking about a dual degree, right? In Economics and Political Science? That sounds pretty cool! Maybe I’ll look into something like that as well!</p>

Yep, it’s a dual degree. I love the combination together and I think it will be great prep for law school. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions related to those programs or majors, I’d be happy to help!</p>

<p>don’t actually do political science unless you like political science. ‘econ/poly sci’ is a popular combination for a lot of incoming freshmen because they don’t really know much about the two, or what they hope to do with them. i talk to too many underclassmen who don’t know why they’re majoring in poly sci. don’t be one of them. poly sci’s greatest strength in preparation for law school isn’t the content. its the writing requirements.</p>

<p>don’t make your major decision based on this chart, but a lot of pre-law students find it somewhat enlightening.</p>

<p>[Average</a> LSAT Scores for 29 Majors with over 400 Students Taking the Exam](<a href=“]Average”>Business | University of Illinois Chicago)</p>

<p>That is interesting. I wonder why there is such a disparity between IR and PoliSci majors, the two fields are closely related…</p>

<p>What about majoring in business and English. English is a precursor to law.</p>