I’m a high school Senior who will be attending Wesleyan University next year. I am currently going to be a film-major with a pre-law track. What I’m trying to decide on right now is what a “safe” and well-paying stable double-major would be as film is notoriously unstable and I don’t want to waste my tuition money. I am currently considering adding computer science as it seems interesting and it seems like a good “safety net” for a tricky major like film. Some questions I have? What are some other “safe” majors? Does Wesleyan have a good computer science program?
Any major can be safe. You can do Poli sci or anthropology and be fine. As an LAC, it doesn’t have pre professional majors like business. But, especially if you’re a pre law, reading and writing would be beneficial.
CS would be tough - you need to be all in.
But any major, from Econ to language to social science or humanities major to natural science to CS would be fine.
A lot depends on what excites you.
I think a lot of people choose Economics as the default “safe” major. But as stated above, Wesleyan is a top-rated LAC and a lot depends on what floats your boat.
You can minor in “Informatics and Modeling” and get quite a bit of computer programming experience along with a cross-section of molecular biology and biochemistry (MBBC):
Informatics and Modeling, Wesleyan University - Wesleyan University
Here are the recommended courses:
WesMaps - Wesleyan University
My understanding is that there are two tracks, one is more CS oriented and the othe seems more BMMC oriented:
Welcome, Informatics and Modeling - Wesleyan University
And finally, you may want to consider a Certificate in Applied Data Science, a lean course of study consisting of 8 courses drawn from the following milieu:
WesMaps - Wesleyan University
Again, you get your programming and a wider POV in terms of applicability. Applied Data, Wesleyan University - Wesleyan University
My hunch is that you’ll get plenty of writing assignments in the Film Dept. 
Right now, CS isn’t necessarily a promise of financial security. Lots of layoffs. Though Wesleyan is a top school so grads may do better than some grads from lesser schools.
I feel kind of sad that you are considering changing from film. These 4 undergrad years should be about what you love to study and do, but I understand the financial pressures.
I have a kid who did CS and is financially successful, and kid doing music and film, who supports themselves well enough- and has a good day job. You can major in film and go on to grad or professional school, teach, work in another area entirely, or work in film. I think you should stick with film major and not overplan- things will work out.
So when my acting conservatory kid was applying we thought he would do a second major in accounting or economics for just the reasons you are discussing. He is at a conservatory where the only option is arts management and this has actually been helpful. He has found internships this summer as a rising junior and there are many jobs after school in this field that are adaptable for working in the arts. Do they have an arts management or similar type major/minor at Wesleyan? The other very practical course is to take education classes.
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Thank you! I was more considering adding a major to film. Trying to balance what I love and what’s stable if that makes sense.
Hoping you can just follow your interests without a “backup” plan. The hardest thing in life, I think, is the balance between planning and letting things happen. It seems to be that undergrad years may be the last time you can do the latter 
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