Double major in marketing and physics??

<p>OK I know it sounds really weird but I love both majors to death so I am considering choosing both for college. And for some reason I believe that these majors are related since the logic thinking skill incldes in physics actually helps a lot in the business world. But I'm not sure whether I get the right idea...
and I heard that a lot of marketing students double major in finance, is that really necessary? Is that ok to save finance for grad school???(I'm not quite into finance lol)</p>

<p>Well, if you certainly love both subjects to death then there is no reason not to double major. However, you can prove me wrong, I don’t see a connection between marketing and physics. I can see why some would major in Economics and Mathematics, Physics and Mathematics, Economics and Marketing, Finance and Marketing, Physics and Chemistry or Biology, etc. </p>

<p>It’s hard to say whether a double major is necessary or necessary at all. I know a few people that majored in Economics (B.A.) and after working at few places (investment banking, real estate, accounting, finance, etc.), they make roughly 85k. Whether a double major could or would increase your job prospects also depends on how this double major would help you. For instance, Economics and Mathematics makes sense (no, not because it might be something I’m doing), but because it is helpful to know when you’re trying to work somewhere in finance, as an analyst, and possibly get chosen over accountants. </p>

<p>I don’t know much about marketing other than it involves analyzing many things when it comes to the audience of a company. However, when you apply for a job in this area, think about how a double major could possibly help you get hired over someone else (i.e. how can physics help you be a good marketeer.)</p>

<p>Thank you! :)</p>