double major in psychology and cognitive science in Berkeley

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I just finished my second year in community college. Although I've got into UCSD with psychology major, I have decided to stay another year in my community college because I want to double major in psychology and cognitive science. Since I have finished all my IGETC and also psychology pre-requisite, all I have to focus on is the cognitive science major pre-requisite. Will UC Berkeley allow that? The reason I asked that is because cognitive science is seemed to be under Berkeley's Psychology Department. It's like one of the divisions under their psychology department. So, will it possible for me to double major in psychology and cognitive science in UCB?</p>

<p>They won’t have a problem with it. My roommate is doing the same double major right now at Berkeley and he transferred They’re related, but distinct majors. Finish up your cog sci prereqs and apply for next year. Extra classes won’t hurt your application (as long as your grades are good).</p>