<p>I got admitted for a Psychology major but I am thinking of doing a double major in psych and theater...is this possible?
and how is the theater program at SC in general? I would do it with an emphasis in performance..</p>
<p>I was a theatre major at ucsc, ended up switching for personal reasons, but I can give you the inside scoop. It’s very doable if you plan your classes appropriately from the day one. They’re changing a bit right now, new course requirements for classes after mine, so I don’t have all the details, but it’s definitely for the better (academically and planning-wise). The theatre program is strong, and there is more performance on this campus than nearly any other UC. PM me for my screen name, I’ll talk/IM your ear off.</p>
<p>oh wow thank you so much!
i will definitely do so for more details, appreciate the offer :]]]]</p>