<p>Just out of pure curiosity, has anyone here or know anyone who has done it? Which majors/minor?</p>
<p>global studies/history double major </p>
<p>women’s studies minor, you can graduate in 3, lmao…wut a joke</p>
<p>I’m looking at the Applied Math Masters with a physics BS and a classics minor that I could finish in 4 years with 2 summer sessions. The classics minor is relatively with simple because more than half of it can be used as G.E.s.</p>
<p>how can u get the applied math masters if your an undergraduate student? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but if the Applied Math Masters is possible, then would it be possible to get an Econ Masters with a Biochem BS?</p>
<p>The math department has their Scholars Program which allows undergrads to take graduate level coursework and come out with the masters degree. I think most of the departments have the scholars program, but I’m not entirely sure.</p>
<p>o cool, thanks. I couldn’t find one in the Econ department.</p>
<p>econ has an honors program. 3.5 overall major gpa and 3.5 gpa in econ 11, 101, 102 to get into the honors program. to graduate you got to write a thesis and do more research than you normally wud with a reg. econ major.</p>
<p>o cool thanks! ill look it up.</p>