<p>I am planning to go from being undecided about my major to being a "Journalism and Electronic Media" major this fall. (I will be going to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville) I also really love art, so I will definitely be taking quite a bit of art courses offered by the school of art as I'm taking the Journalism and Electronic Media courses required by the school of communication and information.</p>
<p>I was thinking about getting a double major in these two things (UTK would let me do either). I talked to an advisor and she said that if I double majored in JREM and Studio Art, I would graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Communication and Information with a JREM major and the the second major (studio art) is just a secondary major that has nothing to do with the degree and simply shows up on my transcript. (For Double Majors at UTK, there has to be a primary major that isn't in the school of Arts and Sciences which is where the student gets his Gen Ed requirements from and what his degree will be for. Then there has to a secondary major that is in a different college. For the secondary major, only the actual major requirements must be completed)</p>
<p>Once she told me this, I began to wonder if "Double Majors" were really worth anything in the long run. It makes me wonder if I'd be better off doing the extra Gen Ed required for a B.A. so that I can graduate with a dual degree instead (B.S. in JREM and a B.A. in Studio Art).</p>
<p>Any insight?</p>