Double Major

<p>I’m thinking of a double major in Economics and International Studies, but I’m wondering…</p>

<p>Firstly, does it make sense to try to double major in these two subjects? I’ve been thinking about economics for a while, and I’ve always been obsessed with languages and foreign relations, but I don’t know whether these two fields would have any real use to me upon grad – opinions, oh wise ones?</p>

<p>Secondly, is it realistic? There doesn’t seem to be too much overlap in requirements, and I don’t have that many AP credits – Stats, Psych, and six credits for English.</p>

<p>Thirdly, assuming the first two questions are answered positively, what are my best bets for classes first semester? I had the other thread all about course selection, and it seems like most of what we came up with would still apply… (by the way, for IS, I would do a concentration in Western Europe with a minor in French).</p>

<p>EC 110
ANT 102
FR (whatever I place into)
ST 260
FA (something or other)</p>

<p>Does this schedule sound reasonable?</p>

<p>An Economics and International Studies double major would be a great combination. That said, with that combination it would make more sense to major in economics through the College of arts and Sciences rather than CBA so that you have less degree requirements.</p>

<p>The schedule you posted looks great. I would consider adding an honors course if possible, even if you can only fit in a 1 credit UH 120 Common Book Experience course.</p>

<p>Thanks, seatide! I would definitely do Econ in A&S…if I do that, it shouldn’t be a problem to fulfill all my degree requirements in four years?</p>

<p>I’m doing Alabama Action, so I will have 1 honors credit for that – but I would still try to add another 1 credit if they’ll let me.</p>

<p>Reginap … I’d tend to agree with Sea as well. Are you signed up as majoring in A&S as your college? Reason I ask is that that is who you follow to get your advising as far as core reqs, etc. If you were to go to C&BA you’ll hear a different “story” because of the business reqs for Math, etc.</p>

<p>Finally, registering for AA is not straight forward … Be sure to attend the honors breakout info section where they tell you how to do it. The scheduling proctors do not know. Also, generally look for honors “sections” of the other courses you may choose … Class sizes may be smaller. Good luck and have fun.</p>

<p>DAD2ILD - yes, I’m already in the college of A&S, so it seems to make sense to stay there at this point.</p>

<p>I will definitely attend that and look for more info, and also look for honors sections – I know a lot are full at this point, but will definitely try for whatever I can get into. Thank you!</p>

<p>Are they still taking apps for Alabama Action and Outdoor Action? If so, I wonder if they are accepting more than 40 students each? It would seem that the limits would have been met by now.</p>

<p>OA is full.</p>

<p>They are both full now, but I’m pretty sure AA has more than 40 people. I also heard that they are trying to open up a new group in AA to aid with disaster relief efforts.</p>

<p>Has anyone who attended a Bama Bound session after the first Honors session been able to successfully register for Alabama Action? My daughter attended the second honors Bama Bound and was told that the Honors College had to close registration for Alabama Action out of the computer system because all the spots were filled by students in the first session of Bama Bound, most of whom hadn’t pre-registered for Alabama Action. As a result, even though she is admitted to Alabama Action, she hasn’t been able to register. </p>

<p>Supposedly the Honors College is in the process of taking those students who weren’t pre-registered for Alabama Action out of the class, but in the meantime people who did pre-register and who attended later Bama Bound sessions aren’t able to register. When we emailed the Honors College, they simply told her to “keep trying” to register. Is this what everyone else has heard? This is the only registration glitch we experienced.</p>

<p>(We also heard that they are opening an additional section of Alabama Action focused on tornado relief.)</p>

<p>I’m not sure about the actual registration, but I called Jami Gates on May 17, right after the first Bama Bound session, and was told that there were still spots available. I sent in my application that day and there was a spot for me when my application was received. So unless she was not accounting for those who pre-registered when she told me there were still spots (which seems unlikely), it would appear even with those who registered at the May 16 Bama Bound, they were still under capacity. I’d love to know exactly what is going on, though; this is worrisome…especially considering arriving a week earlier/later completely alters plans for some people…they better figure it out soon. :/</p>

<p>reginaphalange: If you have AP stat credit, there is no reason to take ST 260. It’s the same material as the AP course. The class that you need is Calculus I (my son is an economics major with A & S).</p>

<p>Ahh, I did not do my research properly. :slight_smile: I for some reason thought that was the next level statistics course, and forgot that that is exactly the one fulfilled by AP stats. Thank you so much – so glad I found that out before I got down there for Bama Bound!</p>

<p>We also attended the second honors session and dd couldn’t register for AA either. We walked over to the Honors College and were told that they will be sending an email soon to those that had applied and been accepted telling us how to register. I sure wish they would hurry up so we can get it on her schedule!</p>

<p>I got an email within the past couple days explaining how to register, but I’m not sure if it was anything new – it just said that you have to enter the override code (and gave the code), instead of searching for the couse.</p>

<p>That’s the email we are waiting for and haven’t gotten! Guess we’ll call on Monday :/</p>

<p>Yes, I would call. I’ve called Jami and…the other one whose name I can never remember…many times about AA and they’ve always been able to help me very quickly. I’m sure it will be fine. :)</p>

<p>Just successfully added Alabama Action via the drop/add page (which was the procedure that we had previously been told to use, didn’t work and were told to “keep trying.” ) BamaMomof3 – you use the CRN on the drop/add page. You cannot register through the normal course selection procedure. I am assuming that it matches up the approved students and allows those who are approved to register.</p>

<p>Thank you!!! It worked and she is now registered for AA!! Now all we have to do is wait for the professor of her other studio class to be announced so she can ask for an override since it is full.</p>

<p>Don’t know what we would do without all the wonderful, helpful people on this board!!! RTR!!!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>