Double major

I’m thinking about pursuing a business administration major with my concentration being in finance. However, i’m coming in with a large amount of credit hours so i want to double major in business administration and economics. Is this possible?/ How many classes overlap between the majors?

It’s reasonable, depending on what you have credit for. Economics and Finance overlap for all of the gen ed. requirements, micro and macro, but after that it’s not much. However though, each one offers essentially 28 and 16 free/cluster hours, so each major would cover the other, and that’s more time you can shave off the degree. However, it still would be pretty difficult considering you have to take many upper level business and economics courses instead of progressing from lower level courses, and also you still might have to give up a summer, take more than 15-16 hours per semester, or spend more than 4 years getting the degrees. And even then, you have to ask yourself why you’re doing both. If you like both topics, then go for it, but if you’re looking for a competitive edge, you’re probably better getting a degree in economics and pairing it with GT’'s unique programs like International affairs or Modern languages, and then getting an MBA in finance.

Getting a double major in econ and finance is just redundant and doesn’t do anything to improve your marketability. If you want to double major then it should be in two fields that are fairly different from one another or at least one that compliments the other very well (i.e. econ and math).

You cannot double major at Georgia Tech. From FAQ on website:

Can I double major at Georgia Tech?

Second Undergraduate Degree - Georgia Tech does not offer double majors but does offer a second undergraduate degree. You must meet all of the requirements for both degrees and earn credit for a total of at least 36 additional hours in excess of the first degree.

It is basically the same thing as a double major. It basically means you can’t use a bunch of credits to satisfy both majors at once. If you take a class that is required in both majors then you obviously get credit for it, but for one major you will have to offset this by taking some other class later on down the road.

When people say “double major” they know what you are talking about.