double majoring engineering and ?

<p>How hard is it to double major in engineering and another college? How within the school of engineering?</p>

<p>Maybe drusba can correct me if wrong, but if I recall correctly, one cannot double major in 2 types of engineering because the college simply forbids it. Not sure why. As for double majors between 2 colleges, I also think that engineering does not allow it. At least with the business school?? Not sure about other schools. This fact someone might want to check, but I was led to believe that in general, engineers are not allowed to double major.</p>

<p>I know engineers can get the Tech and Management Minor but that’s all I know. Business can double major</p>

<p>It’s allowed, even in engineering. See this for example:
[ECE</a> Illinois - Undergraduate Advising: Dual Degree - ECE Illinois - U of I](<a href=“]ECE”></p>

<p>& the rule it points to:
[Student</a> Code: Section 3-801](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>I’ll warn you that double majoring in engineering is <em>incredibly</em> useless, particularly for how much work it is. I know you want to think “But it’s two degrees! Surely that counts for something.” Wrong. No one, firms or grad schools, cares that you double majored. The benefit is marginal at best. It can even lower the perceived value of the two degrees because usually to pull off a double major within a reasonable amount of time, you have to take as many shortcuts as you can (i.e. do the bare minimum to fulfill the requirements rather than take upper level classes that interest you).</p>

<p>Unless you genuinely have research interests that overlap between two majors, I would advise against it, even for star students and even for those who can complete both requirements within 4 years. Study abroad, do a semester internship, or do a minor (also of marginal benefit but it’s a lot less work). That’s time better spent.</p>