Double Majoring - How easy and doable?

<p>Hey all,
I was wondering if it was possible to double major in the Krannert School of Management and in Aviation Management. I am planning to go in with around 80ish AP credits, so that should take care of most if not all gen ed requirements. Is it easy to double major in two different colleges? If so, how easy is it, as in would i have to take a lot of extra classes (like graduating in 5 years or more).</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>Look at your 2 majors plans of studies and see how many classes you’d have to take (what classes are required and do not overlap between majors). Talk with an advisor from Aviation Management and/ or Krannert, they’d be much better equipped to answer your questions. </p>

<p>Sometimes a larger college may not be able to accommodate the scheduling - even if you can work out a class structure plan. Then it may be that your class schedule would have you criss-crossing across campus. The school advisers may have experience with others asking this or have done this. Maybe you can work in enough classes of one major to be able to take an extra semester or two for the other - if that is worth it to you at that point.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>