Double Majoring

Hello again everyone! I am about to finish my freshman year at Alabama as an Advertising major. I decided on my minor being graphic design (studio art concentration) but after taking a class I really would like to double major with it because I love it so much. Does anyone have any experience double majoring? Junior year I plan on studying abroad, so I guess what I’m asking is double majoring doable in 4 years with studying abroad? I am visiting with my counselor this week but I never seem to get a reliable answer from someone who’s done it before. Thank you!

On the parent Facebook page, I’ve heard of a LOT of students who double major. The rules seem to vary according to which school your major is in. Go back to the catalog that you entered under and read every rule. Print out a copy, highlight and underline…know every word backward and forward. You should find answers there. Listen, I’m an Alabama grad, as is my daughter, and we both found this is a rare failing - advisers don’t know crap. You need to advocate for yourself when it comes to advising, so know everything about your areas. Pull our your copy if someone contradicts you.
