Double Majoring

<p>Hey guys, I have SOAR tomorrow and im signed up for the school of business because i plan to major in human resources.. i also plan to study sociology-- i know you should go with the CCAS group for soar if you want to double major- but how tough is it to double major? umm i have my wishlist set up already and my prereqs for the b school are already satisfied and it makes 15 credits. i have no AP credits coming in and i already know i need to work to afford uw, so should i try to double major in HR and sociology or just get a sociology certificate? Thanks in advance for replies!!!its appreciated</p>

<p>Double majoring looks like it will be difficult for you because the B school has a lot of requirements for graduation, you have no AP credits, and you need to work. Talk it over with advisors at SOAR.</p>

<p>[Business</a> Students - Undergraduate Programs - UW-Madison School of Business](<a href=“]Business”> </p>

<p>Additional Major in L&S
Students admitted to the Business School may complete one major in Letters and Science in addition to their major in Business. These students make a request to graduate with a BBA (Bachelor’s in Business Administration) and have two majors. Example: BBA with majors in Marketing and Psychology. The additional major in L&S should be declared the semester the student is admitted to the Business School.</p>

<p>[Declare</a> or Cancel an L&S Major or Certificate (non-L&S students)](<a href=“]Declare”></p>

<p>Declare or Cancel an L&S Major
Business students who gain approval to complete an additional major in L&S must complete major requirements prior to or concurrently with their Business major/degree. Students who have fulfilled the major and degree requirements for the BBA will be graduated, even if L&S major requirements have not been completed!
NOTE: Business students may complete only ONE additional major in Letters & Science.
To declare a second L&S major:
Meet with major advisor in Letters and Science and complete the major declaration form.
form must have L&S academic advisor’s signature
form must be filled out completely!
Deliver completed major declaration form to 3150 Grainger Hall. Incomplete or inaccurate forms will not be processed. You will be notified via e-mail if there is missing information on the declaration form.
You, your School of Business academic advisor, and your L&S academic advisor are notified by e-mail of the decision related to the request and copies of Dean’s Action are distributed to appropriate campus offices.
Meet regularly with School of Business academic advisor and Letters and Science major advisor regarding major and/or degree requirements.</p>

<p>When you say you have your prereqs for the business school satisfied/your wish list set up (15 credits) - are you saying that you are taking all four prereqs the first semester (Comm A, Psych, Calc, Econ 101)? The SOAR advisors strongly suggest that you take just two prereqs 1st semester and the other two the 2nd semester, and just 12-14 credits total your first semester.</p>

<p>I’d say go with the pre-business SOAR advising group tomorrow.</p>

<p>thanks for the info! yes, i have freshman comp, econ 101, psych 101, and math 211 on my wishlist…</p>

<p>I’d suggest that you take English 100 and Math 211 this semester, and Psych 201 (Prof. Henriques) and Econ 101 2nd semester. Don’t take all 4 requirements during the same semester - the SOAR advisors will tell you the same thing. Are you considering a foreign language course (did you take the placement test?) to get retro credits which will help with registering sooner in later semesters? Taking all 4 in the first semester is akin to putting your eggs all in one basket…</p>

<p>Be sure to participate in the Wisconsin School of Business Welcome Week activities (there’s an online sign up); and I’d also recommend joining the Badger Business Buddies mentoring group – very helpful with getting acclimated to the B school requirements/application process. (And second semester - early March, there’s the Ignite the Potential seminar for prospective business school students - sign up is late fall semester).</p>

<p>Also, the Business Learning Center (BLC) provides free, structured, small group learning with a grad student for specific introductory level courses including Econ 101. Sign up is during the 1st week of the semester (groups of 10-12 students meeting twice a week with an instructor/grad student).</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>okay… no i never took any fl placement test and im not really interested in that… im sorry i really dont know much about any of this stuff yet… but what else would you recommend for classes along with taking eng 100 and math 211 first semester?</p>

<p>The SOAR advisors can help you; I’d suggest Entomology 201 (Insects and Human Culture) to knock off 3 credits of science. (65% of students earned an A and 35% earned an AB last fall - <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This would only give you 11 credits - is there a sociology class you could take for 3 credits?</p>

<p>If the class is full, you can email the professor and ask to be admitted - this is what my son did.</p>

<p>Some classes, specifically Psych and Econ have fixed standards for the percentages of As, ABs, etc (I believe in Psych 201 and Econ 101, only 15% of students earn As) - You’ll want to balance your schedule so that you get the pre-reqs taken care of but also get the desired GPA to help your business school admission.</p>

<p>One item to note, a semester GPA of 3.6 or higher (you’ll be in the College of Letters and Science until you are admitted to the Business School) puts you on the Dean’s List, so you don’t want all the hard(er) classes in the same semester.</p>

<p>all right. thank you very much for the help; it was desperately needed! ill be sure to check out entomology</p>

<p>most of the sociology courses are 4 credits</p>

<p>Since you are interested in sociology, a popular class (with over 100 openings as of today) is Sociology 120 Marriage and Family. You are right, it is 4 credits and you’d have 15 credits (but only 4 courses - so it’s manageable).</p>

<p>On there is feedback on the instructor and the ‘easy’ factor [Felix</a> Elwert - University of Wisconsin - Madison -<a href=“Felix%20Elwert”>/url</a></p>

<p>On the grade distribution report from the Office of the Registrar, the Fall 2009 course (not sure if the same prof taught it that semester), 45% of students earned As or ABs (see page 301 <a href=“[/url]”>](<a href=“]Felix”></a>)</p>

<p>Or Theatre and Drama for 3 credits (meets the Lit requirement).</p>

<p>Entomology is a fun class - you get to raise your own manduca(s) for 20% of your grade.</p>

<p>yea. 120 would be perfect for my schedule! thanks! looks like the entomology class is full as of now so ill ahve to keep checkign into it</p>

<p>[UW-Madison</a> Faculty and Staff: David B. Hogg](<a href=“]UW-Madison”>Congratulations to Dr. Dave Hogg on his Retirement! – UW Entomology)</p>

<p>Contact information for entomology professor David Hogg – email him, tell him you are an incoming freshman and you’d really like to take his class this semester but it is full.</p>

<p>(Another science class that pre-business students are fond of is AOS 100 - Weather and Climate).</p>

<p>looks like i have math 211 eng 100 aos 100 and sociology 120 for 15 credits. thanks!</p>