Dreams of NYU....is it in my future??

<p>I'm in masters program right now at a CT state school for School Psychology.<br>
GPA: 4.0
Extra-curricular: Graduate Student President (includes a ton of activities I don't even have the motivation to list)
Job:Head Research Assistant at Yale and Research Assistant at NYU
Awards: $16,000 research scholarship/$8,000 research fellowship next year
Publications: 2-3 in press (release by Fall the latest)</p>

<p>However, I haven't taken my GRE's yet. I'm taking a Kaplan course this summer though, and plan to take it in the Fall. What do you think I'd have to get to have a shot at a School Psych PhD program at NYU? </p>

<p>It's my dream to go there....but if I can't, then it wasn't meant to be....I would apply to:</p>

<p>Fordham University
New Fairfield University
University of Hartford
Columbia (for kicks, of course)</p>

<p>What do you all think? I know I'm a little out of reach for NYU but can't a girl just dream!!!!</p>

<p>You'd be surprised how big of a jump you can make if you do well in college. I know a guy who went to Truman State college, but then got a 4.0 there and ended up going to MIT for grad school. Anything's possible, it looks like you've done great in CT Psychology School, follow your dreams :).</p>

<p>Thanks for the vote of confidence! I agree that sometimes anything is possible...we'll see.</p>

<p>Please Respond If You Could, I Will Take Any Feedback, Negative Or Positive.....</p>

<p>I'm really no expert in the whole college admissions thing at all, but it surprises me that you think you're so out of reach for NYU. You have a 4.0 and even have ties with the university being a research assistant there. I would say you have a good chance, but that's just me.</p>

<p>I think the reason I feel it is such a stretch is because I don't go to a top university right now. I'm in a state school which is considered pretty ordinary. I feel like if I went to a top schol right now it would make my chances better. A 4.0 at my school isn't as big of a deal as a 4.0 somewhere else.</p>

<p>NYU isn't exactly Harvard! I wouldn't worry.</p>

<p>True. Does anyone know what kind of stats you need to get into their Steinhardt School of Ed??</p>