Dress code for "special receptions"?

<p>My DD wants to know how she should dress for the DC Special Reception next month. Is it casual, business casual? Is there food?</p>

<p>just look nice. not jeans and a tshirt. but nice jeans and a cute top or better. they have had food at the ones i have been to.</p>

<p>Students attire ranges from jeans and tees to business casual. </p>

<p>Most receptions have some sort of food. The ones I’ve attended have had hearty appetizers and soft drinks. </p>

<p>I had my daughter wear dress pants and a nice sweater to the Chicago reception a couple years ago. I got the death glare when the majority of kids were in jeans. And if I had it to do over I’d still tell her to wear dress pants and a nice shirt or sweater. There was plenty of food there.</p>

<p>Most of the kids at the one we attended in the Philadelphia area last fall dressed like they’d come from school, so it varied quite a bit. I wouldn’t sweat it one way or the other. My son had already received his admission letter, so we didn’t need to talk to anybody, but if you’re going to be chatting with any school representatives, you’d probably feel most comfortable dressed in your nicer school attire. Jeans are fine, but wear your “best” ones and a nice shirt/shoes.</p>

<p>Great presentation and the food and freebies were awesome. :-)</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone. My DS has already been accepted. Not sure if he’ll go to the reception. DD is a Junior and has heard so much about UA that she is interested. Yay for food and freebies!</p>

<p>I have been to more than a few of these receptions and since most students in my area are not required to wear school uniforms, most of the students come in a variety of outfits. However, the majority are still dressed in a business casual look or at least dressy jeans and a nice shirt. Often, you will see houndstooth prints or crimson colors on the young ladies. Whatever you wear, just make sure it is clean and pressed, and you wear your best accessory…a smile. Enjoy the receptions, the speakers are informative and entertaining and it is a great opportunity to meet representatives from the university.</p>

<p>I recently went to the reception in Ft. Lauderdale and my daughter wore a skirt and nice top. It was very nice- soft drinks, cheese and fruit, and some inspiring speakers.</p>