Dressing up for football games?

<p>Does everyone dress up? I’ve read conflicting things on whether or not it’s just Greeks, if it’s most people, some people, etc… Can anyone set the record straight? I won’t be Greek this year, but would it be weird for me to still dress up? I’m a girl, by the way :)</p>

<p>Thanks so much! :)</p>

<p>I think it depends, sorority and fraternities do tend to dress up ( I believe it is required to do so). Many students like to sport a Crimson Tide t-shirt or something in Houndstooth to show team support. Students do dress up or down, depending on many variables…what the weather will be like, what they might be doing before or after the game, or even simply based on what they feel like wearing that particular day. Or perhaps it’s a special occasion such as a birthday… any of these factors could influence what a student will wear.
Whatever way you want to dress for that particular day will be fine. Feel free to be comfortable and yourself.</p>

<p>You will see a lot of everything- most students do dress up- not fancy but girls are in casual cute dresses and guys usually in a golf shirt or button down-crimson tide colors - most adults are in the same-I wear jeans and a red/white top usually…</p>

<h1>good reason not to attend SEC school</h1>

<h1>good reason to attend SEC school</h1>

<p>Although this maybe predominate in SEC, other schools do ‘gameday’ attire as well. </p>

<p>My oldest has a darling dress for opening game at the new Baylor stadium and I have helped a friend make several dresses for her daughter at OSU. </p>

<p>Last year I sat with non-Greek son in student section. FWIW - I didn’t see many students dressed up in that area. Most were wearing shorts and t-shirts. I wore jeans and a t-shirt and didn’t feel out of place at all. I’m sure there are non-Greek students that do dress-up for the games (especially girls), I’d say if you think you might feel out of place ask the friends you plan to sit with how they’re planning to dress for the games.</p>


<p>lol…what is wrong with this? On hot Saturdays, the girls often wear sundresses. On cold days, they dress like more typical game-goers…pants, uggs, jackets, hats. </p>

<p>Really, the majority of the fans are dressed in typical Game Colors…t shirt or polo…and shorts or pants…with some addl clothing if it is cold. </p>

<p>I think that some are thinking that when we say that girls wear dresses, that we mean something like cocktail style. No. The stadium is often warm during the first few games, so it makes sense that girls dress to be cool. </p>

<p><a href=“http://www.crimsontideplanet.com/detail/ala-university-of-alabama-crimson-tide-Ladies-Belted-Sundress”>http://www.crimsontideplanet.com/detail/ala-university-of-alabama-crimson-tide-Ladies-Belted-Sundress&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>When we visited the campus my D found the cutest Bama dress in the bookstore. I don’t think she is interested in Greek life (although older sis did it at Florida State). However, some girls just like to do their hair, nails, and look cute- Greek life or not. I imagine that she will wear her share of game day dresses. I recall that at FSU there was a mix of girls in game day dresses and others who were dressed in school colors in a more casual way. It sounds like Bama is similar. </p>

<p>You will see everything. The sorority members are not required to dress up. If they have date they tend to dress up, think “game day dress”. If they don’t have a date most wear more casual attire like jeans/shorts w/ cute top, or football jersey w/ boots and their shaker hanging out of the boot. </p>

<p>FYI: The spirit is a great reason to attend SEC schools :wink: RTR</p>

<p>If you have a date for the game, you dress up. If you are in a sorority and have a date and will be sitting in the fraternity’s section, you dress to kill. Even platform ultra high heels. Your feet will be killed. Never mind the awful heat and the sun beating down on you on the top deck, sweat ruining your makeup and running under your boobs.</p>

<p>Why do they do it? I don’t know - trying to impress, I guess. :smiley: Thank God I’m old and don’t give a damn about impressing anybody. </p>

<p>However…if you are lucky enough to be invited to sit in a private box, by all means dress up, at least some. You’ll be in air conditioning, able to use a clean, stocked bathroom right there, admire the Daniel Moore prints on the wall, and enjoy the constant supply of food delivered to your suite.;)</p>

<p>If you don’t have a date for the game and are sitting in a regular student seat (which means you’re standing the entire game), put on an Alabama shirt of some kind, jeans or jean shorts, and go. Nobody to impress, just support the team.</p>

<p>“jean shorts”</p>

<p>No. :open_mouth: </p>

<p>@feenotype, do enlighten us! What, pray tell, is wrong with jean shorts?</p>

<p>“Jean shorts” AKA “jorts.”
As best I can figure…a type of shorts that only dorks and nerds wear. Dunno…I see plenty of cute guys and girls wearing denim shorts. Maybe it’s the cut? I’m a nerd dork so I’m clueless.</p>

<p>feenotype, note that I said “nobody to impress.” You won’t be sitting with a “frat.”</p>

<p>jean shorts = jorts (new slang term for jean shorts)
Young ladies in the cute jean shorts, one thing. Guys in the longer jean shorts similiar to those from the 90’s, no.
Besides, jeans can be hot and sticky if it is a warm/wet/humid day. ICK! </p>