Drexel or Pitt nursing

I got accepted into the nursing program at Drexel University and the University of Pittsburgh. With financial aid, they both cost the same price (within $400 of each other). I know Pitt has a better nursing rank but Drexel also has its unique co-op opportunities. I’m debating between the two but for more context, Pitt is a little over 4 hours away while Drexel is only an hour away (and near my sister’s college too). Convenience-wise, Drexel would be a lot better but Pitt is better educational-wise. Would Pitt’s high-quality nursing program be worth it for its inconvenience?

I would vote Pitt, all else being equal. What kind of co-op opportunities can you take advantage of as a nursing student? It would have to be a summer internship in order to stay on track, and other schools can probably help with internships.

Pitt in a heartbeat.

@bigmacbeth Drexel’s coop program allows nursing students to work in one of the major teaching hospitals in Philadelphia. My cousin recently graduated with BSN from Drexel and she cooped at CHOP, UPenn, and penna Hospitals.

I’m not saying it’s better than Pitt because I don’t know Pitts program but a Drexel RN is a great degree