All-in for Drexel/Honors, but wondering if our son, by some outside chance, comes off of the Cornell waitlist.
We already have good winter boots just in case.
Thanks for any thoughts.
No point in fretting over a low odds hypothetical. Chances of coming off the waitlist are not great.
Focus on getting excited about the full ride to Drexel.
Need winter boots in Philly too. Win win.
If you can afford Cornell, and he wants to live in a small town in upstate NY, do get onto waitlist and wait it out. iCornell is a name brand in engineering, and that matters some for the first job offer, and more Cornell alumni live on the west coast, so great alumni network all over the USA for jobs down the road.
Alumni networks matter. Drexel alumni tend to live in the NE more. Drexel is the more practical school,
co op focused. Drexel students do not head to PhD programs in chemical engineering as often as Cornell students do.
Drexel is right in the heart of Philadelphia. Ithaca still has a lot to do, though, for a small town.
Does he wants an urban or rural location? Was Cornell his first choice?
I like the engineering program better at Cornell, and because Cornell is so good in the sciences like chemistry, in particular for chemical engineering, I might choose Cornell, if he does get in.
Thanks. Prefers urban. Both programs are world-class so there’s that.
Will be a tough one if he gets in, but wore a Drexel shirt to school today.
Drexel! Philly is awesome and Drexel is truly unique compared to other urban schools.