<p>Personally, I've never desired an iPhone, don't know why... My mom has a BB, and I thought it was pretty cool until I got my Droid. Functionality-wise, I think the Droid and the iPhone beat out the BB. I also get the vibe that science/math kids align with the iPhone or Droid, and business people have BB. Like I imagine all of Wharton communicating via BBM or something.</p>
<p>I think you are dead on. Most businesspeople communicate via BBM because it is encrypted (I think?). The iPhone and Droid are NOT meant for a businessperson. Since I am not a businessman (yet!), I like my iPhone just fine :P</p>
<p>I love my iPhone. I don’t know anything about the other two, but sometimes people ask me if the iPhone is worth the money and I tell them it’s a bargain. They don’t lie when they say that there’s an app for absolutely everything, and it’s sleek, sturdy, user-friendly… the list goes on. The only flaw I’ve found is in AT&T’s service and not the phone itself.</p>
<p>BBs seem so obsolete to me. That probably has a lot to do with my parents thinking they’re the coolest things ever.</p>
<p>I just got an android phone today. LOVE it. I’ve never desired an iPhone or any Apple product. iPhones are behind the curve anyway. Also, relevant video:</p>
<p>I just got an HTC something (I don’t know the name) that runs on the Android Market and have not really been sold. I mean it does what it is supposed to do with quick internet but there are a lot of different things that I would change on the phone to make it more streamlined and useful. There are several things that I would change.</p>
<p>@…ehz, it’s all about ease of access. I get free apps, cool settings, I can change brightness on my home screen, I can reply to texts without unlocking my phone, I can see rss feeds on my lock screen, and much more. I think the best part is the free apps, though.</p>