Drop an email or upload documents?

<p>My minerva status was recently changed from Ready for Review to Further Review Required.</p>

<p>It asks me to summarise my activities from January to August before i go to university this year. I'm actually currently sorta on a gap year, trying to find some part-time jobs. So do i simply drop the admissions an email to explain it or should i upload the documents?</p>

<p>I got this same request. You should just upload a brief statement in PDF format, saying something like:</p>

<p>September-December 2011: Working at part-time job (brief description of job)
December-May 2012: Volunteer work, language study, travel</p>

<p>This is just an example. They just want to see that you’ve been using your time in a productive manner. Best wishes!</p>

<p>Thanks calgirl15!</p>

<p>I’m currently still on a lookout for a part-time job, but supposing that I do get one, do you think its necessary to upload a copy of the documentary proof of my job for submission?</p>

<p>No, it isn’t necessary. A brief statement (such as the sample I provided above) will suffice.</p>