Drop to add an AP class?

<p>I kinda want to drop photography for many reasons, and I thought, heck I should add an AP class?</p>

<p>Which science should I pick:
AP Biology?
AP Physics?
AP Environ Sci?</p>

I have no clue. I'll prefer to take the hardest AP class, because I can self-study the ones that are self-studiable..</p>

<p>Hardest? Physics
A “joke”? Enviro
Are you good at memorization? Bio</p>

<p>I would just choose Bio or Physics, depending on which you’re more interested in.</p>

<p>Thanks ^</p>

<p>I loved preap biology, so I think I’ll take it again, except in an AP level…</p>

<p>Be prepared to have a lot of information thrown at you then.</p>

<p>I’m kinda excited. It’s my first AP class and I don’t know, sounds fun :)</p>

<p>AP classes are really fun, actually. I’m sure you’ll have a good time.</p>



AP class</p>

<p>Choose one</p>

<p>EDIT I take that back. Depends on your teacher - if he/she is terrible then see above</p>

<p>hey what wil your schedule be?</p>