<p>Just had a quick question, I believe that I already know the answer but hey, i'm pretty much anonymous here so I don't really mind asking and feeling embarrassed</p>
<p>I was accepted to an engineering university last week. This year I have been taking ap european history, this is last period. This class takes up a lot of time reading a dull book when instead I could get out of school an hour and a half early every other day and spend that time studying for my chem 2 ap course, my physics 2 ap course, and my calculus course.</p>
<p>Has anyone heard of people dropping classes that don't really benefit them or their education that will be received in the future after being accepted to college?</p>
<p>I realize this is just me being lazy, I will 99% not do it, it is just a curiosity</p>
<p>If you are going to go to that university, you can call them up and ask if you can drop that class. Some schools will give you the okay, and that means your acceptance won’t be rescinded due to your dropping the class.
A friend of mine is going to University of Michigan for engineering next year and he hates Spanish, so he called them up after being accepted, asked if he could drop. They said it was fine, and now he is a happy guy.</p>
<p>Yeah, my sister was accepted to Columbia ED, the college not SEAS, and was getting an F in the linear algebra course she just started and called and asked them to drop it and they said aokay since it wasn’t related to the field she was interested in studying (screen writing). History sure doesn’t seem to relevant to engineering either so my bet is it will be fine.</p>
<p>1) do I email them from a new hotmail account and not give them my name
2) do I email them from my real email account that I signed up with
3) do I call them and not give my name, just ask “if I was accepted would I be able to drop this class”
4) do I call them and give them my name, tell them that I was accepted, and then as “Hey, would I be able to drop this class so I could study more on important subjects?”</p>
<p>I just don’t really want to put my acceptance at risk of being rescinded</p>
<p>Email them with your original email address and give your real name. Talk about why you want to drop the class then at the bottom state that you understand if part of the reason why you were accepted was for your courseload/transcript and whatnot and so if they would perfer you continue in the course that it would be just fine or something along those lines.</p>
<p>Your acceptance was partially based on your representations to the school as to your senior course load. If you drop a class after acceptance, then yes, there is a chance your acceptance will be rescinded. What you need to do BEFORE you drop the class is contact the university and ask them if it’s acceptable to them. There is no point in doing this anonymously because YOU need to know and they need to acknowledge it as it pertains to YOU.</p>
<p>I would let them know and tell them that you thought the course was not going to interfer with everything else but it did and don’t hide your name, it could backfire.</p>
<p>blackeyedsusan is exactly right. Not only must you call with YOUR name so that they can look up YOUR record and determine if it’s OK for YOU to drop the course (an anonymous generic response does you absolutely no good), but they must make a note of the approval in YOUR file so that there is no question come June that you are still an accepted student. That means you shouldn’t just speak to a receptionist, but to an admissions officer. Confirm any calls in writing - e-mail will generally do.</p>
<p>Echoing Blackeyedsusan and Chedva, your acceptance is contigent on the following factors:</p>
<p>your successfully completing high school
and the expectation that you complete with approximately the same grades and rigor when you were admitted (yes, your GC must send a transcript as proof that you did indeed graduate so the colleges will see your courses and your grades).</p>
<p>Think about it: if you could just drop classes after being admitted, everyone would get themselves programmed for the most rigerous courses and then drop them as soon as the admissions process is done.</p>
<p>If you are afraid to call them, talk to your GC who will gladly make the call for you. No matter what, you should make sure that there is documentation that the school approved the your dropping the course so that it does not look as if you are trying to pull a fast one.</p>
<p>i had a similar problem last year. i was in ap us history, which i was awful in. it was interfering with my other courses and with my extracurriculars and as someone interested in medicine, it is not relevant. i called my first choice school, at the time, and asked if i could drop it with a WP. they said yes and this november i was accepted.
if this course is really dragging you down, i would suggest doing the same, but make sure it is okay with your intended college.</p>
<p>Just for the record, I have an A in the class that I am talking about haha, I’m not failing it or anything of the sort</p>
<p>The class takes up a lot of time (me reading the textbook, studying for tests, preparing for essays) that I could instead spend at home studying for physics, chemistry, or calculus. I know it seems like I’m trying to justify my choice to you all… which I sort of am, I’m just worried about how it will make me look as a person</p>