Dropping a class second semester? Consequences?

Hi guys

So I was accepted into my ED school (yay), but now that ‘in’ college, I really want to drop an art class so that I’ll have extra free time during the day. I’m planning to get a job this semester and as I learned from my last job, trying to balance work with school and extra curricular activities is a lot.

Do you think I could get penalized for dropping this class? Especially considering I sent an art supplement as part of my application.


Ask your college.

What are you planning to major in?

ED acceptances are typically contingent on satisfactory completion of your planned senior courses as listed on your application. You’d have to check with the college, but they’ll probably be lenient if you replaced the art course with something else? Or maybe they won’t care since it’s not an academic course.

Thank you! And to the person who asked, I’m planning to major in public policy