Dropping a class

<p>I know this is really late into the quarter (finals in two weeks!), but I was wondering if it was possible to drop a class that I am doing really bad in. I heard there was an option where you can drop a class if you pay a charge of $35 and can get your professor to sign a paper. Is this true?</p>

<p>Btw, I am currently a freshman and if I drop this class, I will only 10 units this quarter.</p>



<p>Pay up and you can do it. </p>

<p>Also depends on what major you are…since depending on whatever department you belong to they have their own policy…College of Arts and Sciences…HSSEAS…</p>

<p>//EDIT: “…I will only HAVE 10 units this quarter.”</p>

<p>Oh, ok thanks. Does anyone know what the HSSEAS policy is for dropping classes and for going under the minimum units per quarter?</p>