Dropping a course after submitting application

I am a senior taking 3aps plus 2 courses, electricity and magnetism and differential equations, at a community college. After two months of hell, I can safely bet that I bit off more than I could chew, and my sanity is at risk, so I’d like to drop differential equations. How do AOs consider these types of cases?


You will need to notify the schools that you are dropping the course. UvA live IG noted that they select applicants based on the transcript sent to them and any changes need to be discussed with them first and they have rescinded previous acceptance offers if they had no knowledge and just saw final transcript with changes. So wouldn’t chance if, just reach out to the schools- maybe by email so you have it in writing so they can’t rescind you in the future esp if they email back and say that’s fine that’s good documentation to have. Some may ask you to send an updated schedule or transcript with class change. Word of mouth too hard to prove. So email over calling - you could do both but def need something in writing.

You have to get approval to drop the course from all schools that have accepted you as well as schools where you have applied and are waiting for the decision. I would start by emailing/calling your AO at each school. At the schools where you are still waiting dropping a class could impact the admissions decision. Good luck.

While I agree with notifying the AOs, I want to add that dropping diff eq at a CC… a class few students take in high school and most high schools don’t even offer… will most likely have no effect on your acceptance or pending decisions. IMO, of course, but I would be shocked if there was any negative consequence to your dropping that class. Put your sanity first and enjoy the remainder of high school.

Our school offers it- to be in the safe side it’s best to contact AO and not worry about it later.

Our school too, but my understanding is that most schools do not, which is what I stated. Hence my opinion that the AOs will approve the drop with no questions asked. Unless OP attends your school or mine, what is offered there is anecdotal at best.

But even in those schools that do offer it, getting to MV and/or DE is an accelerated track. Not even MIT requires that level of acceleration. (Y’all don’t @ me about “requires” vs “recommends or expects”.)

We all agree to notify the AOs before dropping the class. So, OP, that is the takeaway. And from me, I hope this lightens your load and allows you to have a healthier and more enjoyable end to your senior year.


For any colleges you have already been accepted to you should contact the admissions officer and be sure that dropping the class will not impact your acceptance. I would try to get an answer in writing (ex. email) if possible. Do this before you drop the class. (Anecdotally, I know of one person who was accepted ED at a very competitive college and they said they would “review the acceptance” if she dropped down a level of a class – so she kept the class and got a tutor).

For any colleges you are waiting a decision from you need to contact admissions and let them know now that you will be dropping the class.

I do agree that in your case the class you would like to drop is not one that is expected of HS students.


Some schools do not take senior grades into consideration as long you graduate. So, you are probably fine at those schools. Other schools that require a final transcript or you have not received a decision from yet might want to know about the drop. Be honest and say it was too much.

I don’t know of any college that doesn’t require a final HS transcript (although admittedly I don’t know the requirements of every college). Certainly the more competitive colleges (I’m guessing the OP may have applied to at least some given his/her academic record) will require a final transcript and notice any dropped courses.

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