Dropping a course?

<p>Hey guys</p>

<p>I've enrolled for the Fall 2007 Semester at Georgia Tech, but I'm pulling a D in my Geometry and Discrete Mathematics. I don't need this course to graduate, and I already got an A in Calculus. I'm considering dropping the course, will Georgia Tech penalize me and rescind acceptance because of the drop? I really really want to drop this course, the teacher is completely screwing my mark :(
What are your suggestions? Thanks guys.</p>


<p>I don't know whether or not they'll rescind the acceptance, but if not then I'd drop it ASAP</p>

<p>You need to ask the admissions dept there and see what they tell you -- they're going to find out sooner or later anyway (that you withdrew or got a D), so you may as well ask what they suggest you do.
Also, is there a specific reason you're not doing well? Have you asked the prof how you might improve your grade? While a FEW RARE professors may actually "dislike" a student and hurt them grade-wise, there is almost always a good reason you're not succeeding, and your professor and/or a TA/GA may be able to help you discover and alleviate the problem without your having to drop the course.
Unfortunately, it sounds like you're asking these questions a bit late, but better late than never! Also, do you know when your deadline is to withdraw? (I highly doubt you can actually "drop" at this point in time, as dropping means the course does not appear on your transcript at all, whereas a withdrawal results in a "W" grade -- essentially an F without any effect on your GPA)</p>