<p>Im currently failing the non credit class i need to take stats. There is a late start math cass starting soon which i can take and still apply for transfer this year but i would have to drop a major pre req class. How bad would a W in a pre req class look? I would retake it during spring.</p>
<p>You are allowed to repeat only one pre-major course and may repeat that course only one time. You should be fine if this is your first time withdrawing from that course and are planning to finish it before you transfer out.</p>
<p>“You are allowed to repeat only one pre-major course and may repeat that course only one time.”</p>
<p>What? Where does it say that? Can anyone confirm this?</p>
<p>@budgerigar, I actually took this statement from the econ department pages of UCLA and UC Berkeley… so this may not apply to all majors. </p>
<p>From UCLA’s Econ Department Page
6. If I drop a class, does that count as a repeat?
A drop does not count as a repeat. Students may not drop “Impacted” classes except due to extreme emergencies.</p>
<p>You may repeat a class only if you get a “C-” or lower. The UCLA College allows students to repeat up to 16 units of courses where the second grade replaces the first in your UCLA GPA. After 16 units, the two grades are averaged into your GPA.</p>
<p>You are allowed to repeat only one pre-major course and may repeat that course only one time </p>
<p>**From Berkeley’s Econ Department Page **
Repeating Courses and Unit Issues</p>
<p>The Department will accept only one repeated prerequisite course. Students who repeat more than 1 prerequisite course are subject to additional review by the undergraduate chair. If you have concerns about repeating multiple courses, please speak with an undergraduate advisor.</p>
<p>Again, I’m not entirely sure if this holds for true across all majors.</p>
<p>My post above may actually only apply to current students at UCLA or Berkeley, so if I am wrong can someone please correct me.</p>
<p>pre major course for pre major status students?</p>
<p>@OCaptnMyCaptn @sonic23 <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/373907-how-many-ws-you-have-effect-chance.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/uc-transfers/373907-how-many-ws-you-have-effect-chance.html</a></p>
<p>W’s don’t matter. However, dropping a class within your major and putting it off until spring could really hurt your chances. </p>
<p>A) You can save yourself money and time, suck it up, and pass the remedial math class while staying in your class needed for your major. </p>
<p>B) You could drop the math class you’re failing right now and enroll in the same subject at a much faster pace. Drop your major pre-req, and hope you do much better. </p>
<p>Persoanlly, I’d opt for A.</p>
<p>@Snorlaz the class in a major pre req for UcB only which i might not apply anymore. Would it be bad if i dropped n didn’t retake?</p>
<p>@Snorlaz How does it hurt your chances doing it in spring if your completing the major pre req before you actually transfer?</p>
<p>@Charger76 i just saw the thread u posted helpful. I have one W so far the same math class. My main concern is having 2 Ws this fall n applyin since this is a crucial semester</p>
<p>i have about 4 w, withdrew from diffy q, and twice with 1st semester physics.</p>
<p>@sonic, in that case, if it’s only needed for Cal and your heart isn’t set on Berkeley, I’d say go ahead and drop it. If you do drop, I’d suggest taking it again in the Spring just in case Berkeley does want ya! You don’t have to though.</p>
<p>@Charger, I honestly think it all depends on the major. If there’s only two major pre-reqs for one’s major, it’d be best to complete both before Spring. However, if you’re a STEM major and have a bunch of major pre-reqs, you’d likely be okay taking pre-req(s) in the Spring. This is all just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt haha.</p>