Dropping a major-prereq class?

I applied to the fall of 2017 and currently waiting for replies from UC campuses.
My major is biology but unfortunately one of classes i deciding to drop is my molecular biology class due to family-related issues.
Should I drop the class and update my admission before UC send out acceptance/rejection?
How much will this impact my application?

  1. Would there be any way for you to keep the class? Can you work with the professor to accommodate your situation?

  2. Why drop this class specifically as compared to your other classes?

  3. When is the drop by date with a W?

I am asking these questions because it will give us better insight into your situation. Generally, it is best to not drop your classes unless you absolutely have to. If you can get a B in the class, I think it would be best not to drop. Depending on the UC you applied to, not having all of your prereqs done for your major can be a deal breaker. For most UCs, it’s not an admissions requirement; however, most of them strongly encourage that you have them done. Above all, I would encourage you to speak with a counselor ASAP. Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.

I have to take care a family member and the hours are conflicted with this class, so this is the main reason. I talked to my professor and he cannot accommodate my situation because I do not the medical issue. My drop date is in mid of April, but I wasn’t sure if I should do it before UC replies back to applicants. I also talked to my counselor about this situation, she said I must get at least a C in the class in order to get accepted, but this is unlikely because I cannot take care the person and attend the class at the same time.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re in between a rock and a hard place. I think the best course of action would be to call the UCs in order to confirm the information that your counselor told you and explain your situation. They may be able to help you. At the very least, it’s worth a shot. Good luck! I’m sorry I do not have better advice to give.

No worries :slight_smile: Thank you for answering my questions!

I hope everything works out for you. Sending you good thoughts!