Dropping an AP class second semester

<p>Does anyone know if a student must alert admissions if they drop an AP class second semester? Dropping strictly for the sake of senioritis. Don't need the class, don't want to get up at 6:30am to get to the class, don't want to take it any more.</p>

<p>If it’s a core class (like your only math), I would say yes…if you have already been admitted, I would say yes, if you haven’t yet been admitted, I would say yes…</p>

<p>so, in other words, yes, you need to let them know…they may not care, but you do have to notify</p>

<p>I actually called admissions and asked them this same question. They told me you do NOT need to notify them because they will see any changes on your second semester transcript . However you do need to notify them if you failed a class</p>

<p>Thanks for the info!</p>