Dropping An AP?

<p>Well this year I'm taking quite a few APs as a senior...6 to be exact. I am also in a few ECs. I wanna do well in both...but I think it might be a lot of work. I am thinking of dropping my AP English Lit. class down to regular English. This would give me more time since Regular English has like no work.</p>

<p>However I am thinking if I can just hold up until the first semester is over I can handle it since my ECs basically end after 1st semester. The only reason I'm worried is that my grades might go down and that would be bad for college....</p>

<p>I'm not sure what I should do... What do you guys think?</p>

<p>I think you should talk to your AP Lit teacher and find out how hard the course will become in the coming months. Then hopefully you can make a better judgment about changing the class or not.</p>

<p>BUMP 10 char</p>

<p>If it was APES and you've already had 5 sciences I'd say it's OK, but not AP Lit. That's a great asset for college. Keep it.</p>