Dropping French...

<p>Well I got accepted to Creighton university (my top choice in Omaha, NE) and got a huge scholarship.</p>

<p>However, I really want to drop French 4. I'm in AP Spanish also and I don't need the credits to graduate. </p>

<p>I hate the class, the teacher, the people, and really want to put more effort into my AP spanish test prep.</p>

<p>Should I drop it? I have until mid-March to decide. I won't show up as a withdrawal on my transcript, but it will say French 4 was on there for 1st semester and won't be for 2nd semester. </p>

<p>Will I have to contact my school and could they take away my scholarship because of this?</p>

<p>i would contact creighton directly to talk to them about this. try to talk to an adcom directly to see what the consequences could be, but also to discuss with them why you want to do this.</p>



<p>word to your mom has it right if French 4 was in your planned schedule for Spring semester. Make the call.</p>

<p>i say drop it if u hate it so much.</p>

<p>whats the point of staying in a class you hate? its not productive for u, your fellow students, or the teacher.</p>