dropping grades?

<p>ok i was accepted into umich in like november or w/e
i accepted paid 200 like last month, and grades so far have been somewhat good, 94-95 overall, 6 Ap's
i did get two bad grades though...
82 in calc BC 2nd quarter
and a 85 in spanish 3rd quarter
which doesnt seem THAT bad...
but this quarter is wat im worried about... not so much the other 5 AP's, but my calc bc
normally im an excellent math student (asian, lol)
but the first grade i got this quarter (which was a review test) was a 50..... then he aloud us to take another test to counteract the grade (the 50 stays in the book though), i felt like i did better on this one.. but id guesstimate a 70... im taking another review test (last test of quarter) tomorow... im foreseeing another 70-80?
ok so my grade this quarter will turn out like 60-70... he'll curve a lil and id expect a 75 (unless he gives out more grades for extra credit or projects etc...)
would a 75 have any effect on me? its kinda late in the game already, i dont think mich would rescind me, but more importantly im applying to ross next year, do they look at these grades?</p>

<p>don’t worry. If you get a C in one class you should be fine. Umich assumes seniors are going to slack off.</p>