<p>was eager to learn.Now I hate school.There 're so many things that I ll never get in my current college. Classmates only talk about their personal lives+boyfriends.They don't care about community service, our clubs never meet since last semester because no one show off.They sign but don't respect their commitment.The people around me re so lame, no ambition, that I don't enjoy being there.I 'm not depressed.I have a 3.8 GPA, honor student + dean list.I want to drop but I will not because education is important no matter what. Isn't it funny how we sometimes need the things that we hate the most. On top of it, it's a woman school.I only spent 2 years in a coed school.I 'm tired of my feminist teachers nevertheless I respect them.they want us to hate men here. I am use with woman institution.the women school I studied before focused on our learning rather than on how bad men are.I miss the equilibrium of a coed education.Oh Life! Is this a joke of of Destiny?When I talked to a superior in my school, she tried to convince me to change major.No one in my college wants to help me work on transfer application. I always said that I will never transfer+I will learn to like my school but it's impossible. I am just alone. My parents can't help because they are in my country and don't know the college system here. I told my mom that I don't like it here but I can't even talk about my lack of interest in school' work. She will be so disapointed if she knows cause I used to be a fervent learner. passionate about school. I feel that my passion fade and there 's this light that just turn off inside of me.</p>
<p>kcl: This is a serious situation, but don't give up hope. You MUST transfer, absolutely MUST. So work your butt off and keep your grades very high. Find 5 colleges that you could go to that you want to transfer to and that would be good to attend. Why not choose co-ed schools? Apply to them, find out where you get in, and then explain to your parents at that point that you are spinning out in your current school, that you absolutely hate it, and that an easy solution is to transfer. If you've already gotten in, you'll be okay.</p>
<p>This is one plan. I am sure others could come up with other good ones too.</p>
<p>Above all, don't let your performance drop.</p>
<p>Have you looked seriously into transferring? A 3.8 GPA will get you into a variety of good schools. Go somewhere that will make you, if not brimming with happiness, more academically motivated. A good school should do both.</p>
<p>BedHead+Mpletree Thanks for taking time to read my and for your advice. I just become sad every time I think about my situationnow but I am not going to give up. I will work hard and make it out.The more I stay here, the more I hate it.</p>
<p>Definitely identify some schools where you WOULD like to be and apply to them. Most deadlines are sometime in March. Don't expect anyone at your school to "help" with transfer apps. That is not common anywhere. You do that yourself and we can help you here with anything you need. Read the Transfer Admissions 101 thread.</p>
<p>The only "help" you will need from anyone at your current school is recommendations from two profs. If those are difficult to obtain, then identify schools which admit "by the numbers" - SAT/ACT scores, GPA... and don't require recommendations.</p>
<p>Good luck and we are here to help.</p>
I want to drop but I will not because education is important no matter what.
<p>Education is not important - why it matters is important. Understand the difference between education/college and learning, take a chill pill, and look into transferring or taking a semester off (but definitely transfer no matter what.)</p>
She will be so disapointed if she knows cause I used to be a fervent learner.
<p>You still are a learner. I was in the exact same mindset since 8th grade. But college is not learning. School is not learning. Learning is learning. You don't need any sort of institution to foster this interest.</p>
<p>I'm also a freshman who's just transferred to a state school back home after an uninspiring first semester. Now I'm in the process of applying to non-traditional schools that would more effectively stimulate my passions. Basically, I'm looking at colleges that I had never given a chance while selecting during my senior year.</p>
<p>Check out Colleges That Change Lives:
<a href="http://www.ctcl.com%5B/url%5D">http://www.ctcl.com</a>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colleges_That_Change_Lives%5B/url%5D">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colleges_That_Change_Lives</a>
and start investigating for schools along those lines. CTCL really opened my eyes.</p>
<p>Taking a semester off isn't dropping off, and you can take a leave of absence and just relax and cool down. If that's an absolute no for you, play the rest of your semester like a game. Since school is so boring for you, it's obviously not a place of learning - so don't try to "learn." Everything you do from this point on is to establish strong transfer application materials - a good gpa and teacher recs - and just exploit the structure for your needs for the moment.</p>
<p>Liberal Arts college tend to be more embracing and good with people that enjoy community service and are very proactive. as for the people, i doubt they'll stop talking about boyfriends and other meaningless things. just make sure the programs and organizations at the new school are very involved. that way, you'll meet other people that care just as much as you do. try the claremont colleges, maybe.</p>