Dropping out of an AP course after being accepted?


I was recently accepted through Early Decision to a landscape architecture major. However, I am planning on dropping out of AP statistics and wondering if this could negatively impact my acceptance.
I have already emailed Virginia Tech and they had not given me a clear answer - basically, they told me to make a wise decision after talking to parents and my counselor and they cannot tell me the exact effect of this. They also warned me that one of the major thing they looked at when accepting was the rigorous schedule that I had.
I have taken 5 AP’s in the past and currently taking 5 APs this year (so 10 APs total). I have 5 math credits already which is enough to graduate with an advance diploma. I have taken AP calc last year as well and I feel that dropping out of AP stat will give me more time to spend on my other 4 AP classes.
I am just wondering what other people think of this situation and if taking the risk of dropping out of this will have an impact. I will also most likely be a teacher’s assistant during the period I will be dropping out of. Thank you very much in advance!! go hokies :slight_smile:

edit - APCSP and APCSA count as math courses I believe, so I have more than 5 math credits…

This actually seems like a clear answer to me…dropping the course may have consequences. Do you want to risk consequences?

If you look at what the conditions of your acceptance are, I expect it is worded broadly enough that VT could rescind your acceptance for decreasing rigor mid senior year…whether or not they would do that I really don’t know.

Why do want to drop AP Stats? What does your GC think?

Now that I had gotten accepted I wanted to focus more on working. I have 3 jobs currently and I help pay the bills basically. I work 6 to 7 days a week and I’m trying to save up for college as well. I am not confident enough to work this much & maintain a decent grade in AP Stat with 4 other APs. I cannot blame anyone else but myself for taking this many APs this year, but I would just be much happier and this would allow myself to spend more time on my other classes as well.
My counselor was the one who told me to email virginia tech first… She was pretty confident that it wouldn’t matter much but I forwarded the email to her and I’m waiting for her second response to this.

I also feel that Virginia Tech would never give a clear answer to this such as “yes go ahead and drop the class” so this kind of answer was expected and I don’t think it’s fair to rescind my acceptance just because of this one class but of course, that isn’t my decision to make… and I feel that my schedule is still rigorous without this one class.

Honestly, I don’t sense your reasons for dropping are very solid. Usually if you’re doing poorly you would tell the college you’d retake the class in the summer or upon matriculation. They might make that a condition of keeping your acceptance. What you’ve done is bait and switch VT, and worse, they suspect it.

I didn’t mention about my jobs to VT. Also, I don’t understand what you meant by bait and them suspecting it? It is true that I have to spend more time working after school to financially support my family and myself. I think dropping out of the class will help me balance all of that. I thought it was also a better reason than saying “I am failing so I will be dropping” b/c I am not completely failing the class, but I would just much prefer not to have the class. If I do drop the class it will show up as “pass/dropped out & replaced with T.A”.

I would not drop the course unless you have it in writing from admissions that your acceptance would remain valid. From the wording you have above it seems like dropping the class and lowering your course rigor could definitely be a problem for Va Tech.

My friend’s D at another school was told straight out that her ED acceptance would “be re-evaluated” if she dropped down from an AP to an honors level course.

I would not do anything to risk the acceptance you have worked so hard to earn. I’d recommend that you finish the AP Stat class.

All of those are very true. Thank you everyone who replied! I will definitely be reconsidering this.