<p>I just need to vent and at least all of you have either been through this or are going through it now. </p>
<p>The process is probably fairly simple if you have one kid applying to three schools, but with two kids and a total of 12 applications, it feels way too complicated. Most of my time the past three days was given over to recommendation forms and transcript forms and I've only done the parent statements for one school. I hope I am not asking too much of the teachers and especially the principal.</p>
<p>Since I’m new at this too I have a question. Are you using the Common App or do some of the schools you are applying to not accept the Common App?</p>
<p>And, is it me or what? Where’s the Essay Questions for the Common App on “Gateway to Prep Schools?”</p>
<p>Make a table or Excel spreadsheet w columns for:</p>
<li>school name</li>
<li>interview date</li>
<li>SSAT score sent?</li>
<li>fee paid</li>
<li>Student profile/bio</li>
<li>graded writing sample</li>
<li>Parent statement</li>
<li>rec English</li>
<li>rec Math</li>
<li>rec Personal</li>
<li>rec Special Interest</li>
<li>rec Academic Record</li>
<li>application portal (Gateway, SSAT, own website, etc)</li>
<li>user name & password for portal</li>
<p>Write the teacher’s name in the rec cells. You can highlight the boxes in the table as that item is completed.</p>
<p>@Newbie Gateway isn’t as much of a common app as a portal where schools can submit their own questions, but there is overlap between schools.</p>
<p>Parts of Gateway cannot be viewed until you reach that point in the process.</p>
<p>Thanks! Figured it out!</p>
<p>All the schools we are applying to use the SSAT Common App. Just started the process and began adding schools.</p>
<p>Agree that a spreadsheet worked best for us - we posted it on the wall on a big piece of poster board and noted deadlines, which sections were needed for each school, (score reports, each tescher rec, transcripts, common app, supplemental apps.) and a check box when each was sent and then verified. </p>
<p>Either schools show materials are received on the web, or suggest giving them a call. A fair number of materials were lost or never received and had to be sent again, and in December schools are happy to check if you call them. In January it is much harder to get thru on the phone.</p>
<p>Thanks…I just needed to complain a little.
<p>I had made a spreadsheet first thing; I was just a little overwhelmed by all the letters to teachers and principals and different online systems and copies of forms and which ones wanted print vs. online, etc., etc. And to top it off, I’ve been having boarding school-related nightmares every night! At least I have the recommendations under control now…</p>
<p>I’m trying to convince my D and my wife that she should add at least 1 more school to her list even at this late date. I’m enamored with NMH and possibly Berskshire as my D has a much more liberal arts bent and the other schools she applied to are definitely in a more selective admissions category. My problem is that neither is too excited about the “extra work” that we will be asking as far as recommendations, etc are concerned since most have already been submitted for the othe apps. Even though NMH and Bershire are on gateway and that makes it much easier, both of them are very sensitive to others feelings and hate asking for “favors”…on the other hand i spend my career asking for favors and it doesn’t bother me one bit :)…wondering if anyone out there has had this push-pull with adding school(s) late and perhaps could share some advice? Thanks!</p>
<p>FWIW, we have abandoned our original plan to do separate apps for all 3/4 schools and are “selling out” to the common SSAT form. Just easier for everyone involved.</p>
<p>@CroissantMiser- I say go for it! Those are two great schools and it never hurts to ask.</p>
<p>The common SSAT form is definitely your friend! Good luck!!</p>
<p>thanks Photomom,
It needs to be her decision, but that’s what a nice long thanksgiving break is for!</p>
<p>If the other teacher recs were already done on Gateway, all the teachers have to do is log in and hit a button to send to another school. I believe your D has to hit a couple of buttons to generate a notification email for the recommender. I don’t think this is asking too much of anybody.</p>
<p>However, there may be more work, i.e. essays/answers, for D and parents.</p>
<p>Twinsmama I’m right there with you. I’m so over all of these applications. I have 19 applications total. 10 high school applications (day and boarding) and 9 kindergarten applications for my son. Then on top of the paper work, the school visits are driving me a little nutty. The kindergarten apps require three visits to each school (parent tour, parent interview and child interview). Too many kids and too few spots here in the city so there is the need to apply broadly. I can’t wait for Xmas vacation. Mostly everything should be done by then.</p>
<p>That is a lot, NYCMom! Good luck to you and your kids!</p>