Drugs on campus

<p>What should be done if your roommate smokes or does drugs? What are the issues??</p>

<p>Tell him you have a major problem with holding drugs in and him doing drugs in “our” room.
You are cool with him partaking away from “our” room but have zero tolerance “in” the room.
That is one rule that is non negotiable.
Smoking is not allowed in dorms at all.
Of course, the rules apply to you and your friends also if he feels the same way about alcohol.
Set rules about sexiling, overnight visitors, touching your stuff.
You need to keep your valuables locked up anytime you are not in the room.
Rules make each room mate’s expectations clear.</p>

<p>Is your roommate doing drugs in your room? Or just doing them outside of the room? What is it, pills, weed, what?</p>

<p>If he’s doing drugs outside the room, it’s none of your business. As for keeping drugs in the room…well I can tell you that as long as you don’t report him and he doesn’t, say, smoke in the room or call unnecessary attention to himself, his chances of getting caught (and anything happening to you, although I’m not sure if all roommates are held accountable for drugs in the room) are VERY minimal. However, just look at it - smoking will draw attention, while, say, pills won’t, and would be fairly safe from a getting-caught standpoint. However, you are allowed to evaluate that however you want. If you really aren’t okay with it, let him know and have a conversation about it. Just be respectful.</p>

<p>I had lots of different drugs in my room all year and it was fine. My roommate was aware, though we never talked, ever, so it wasn’t something that was a big deal. I would have taken any and all responsibility if I was ever caught.</p>

<p>My sons roommate asked if it was ok with him if he smokes pot in the room. My son doesn’t use drugs or associate with anyone who uses them. My advise was get another roommate. The druggies are a bunch of losers, we had them in our HS and they hung out with their own.</p>

<p>Don’t let him smoke in the room. That is asking for trouble. It is hard to switch roommates right now though. He may have to wait until the semester is over or wait a while. </p>

<p>There are all sorts of people who use drugs, some are losers but some are really nice, interesting people and it’s sad to just write them off, especially something as innocuous as weed.</p>

<p>Pot smoke can be smelled from a distance, even with a closed door. Do not get yourself in legal trouble by allowing this to be stored in your room. Weed is NOT as innocuous as you believe, folks. You also would get the effects of the second hand smoke- do you want that when you are trying to study for an exam?</p>

<p>^yeah, as a substance, it pretty much is. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t be ok with someone smoking weed in my room simply because it’s so pungent and unpleasant smelling. But if kept packaged and hidden, it’s no problem. </p>

<p>dude, you’re not going to get sufficiently high from second-hand pot smoke to mess with your ability to focus. The smoke itself may be a nuisance, but it’s not intoxicating in itself.</p>

<p>Do many people smoke in their rooms?</p>

<p>I’m not defending smoking in the dorms. That’s a bad idea. Plus secondhand pot smoke won’t get you high or interfere with focusing, that’s dumb. I smoke every day and I still wouldn’t want someone smoking indoors in my personal space. However, if your roommate is simply keeping weed packaged and hidden, as IBFootballer said, they are not likely to get caught (they could get caught smoking it outside, but then you wouldn’t have anything to do with it) and it wouldn’t really hurt you all that much. Plus to my knowledge (in the public dorms anyways) not all roommates are implicated if something illegal is found in the room, just the one whose stuff it is. I had a friend who was busted and that’s how it went for him anyways.</p>

<p>If you don’t want him smoking up in the room, tell him not to smoke up in the room. Having the ability to engage in adult conversations is (or should be) a pre-requisite for attending college. Lay off the “druggies are losers” bit though. All sorts of people experiment with drugs…particularly while in college. That doesn’t mean you have to, but don’t rule him out as an okay person because he wants to smoke a little weed. A Time Magazine article indicated 42% of American’s had tried marijuana at least once and ~54% of those had tried it by age 21. Conservatively, that’s about 65,000,000 “losers” toking before their Junior year of college. </p>

<p>If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. If you don’t want your son’s roommate to do it in the room, encourage your son to have that conversation. Ease up on the generalizations, stereotypes and prejudices.</p>

<p>most places don’t allow smoking indoors, if for no other reason than that it messes with the smoke detectors.</p>

<p>Does every dorm have smoke detectors in the room?</p>

<p>Yes, every room has smoke detectors. Smoking in your room really isn’t worth it. Just go outside. There are plenty of secret smoke spots.</p>

<p>I don’t think its a good idea to get involved with the drug crowd. I had friends in college that did pills and pot, in fact one person ended up in Stanford with a PHD. My son’s roommate is from the midwest, I thought the druggies were on the coasts (just kidding). In my town the kids that did drugs and pot were usually the rich kids that were always in some kind of trouble. Drinking and pot smoking are usually done in groups, I don’t want my kids in those groups.</p>

<p>I’d try to offer an ultimatum of either no drugs in the room, period or you get a new roommate and are prepared to tell housing why. While pot is usually treated very lightly in Madison there are no guarantees and other drugs might surface. Not worth dealing with just to be nice.</p>

<p>Way different explanation and post than the initial “druggies are losers” statement. See…it wasn’t that hard.</p>

<p>i’d only issue ultimatums like that if it becomes apparent that the person does harder stuff than pot.</p>

<p>I don’t want my kids taking pills or smoking pot. I told my daughter that I don’t want her dating until after shes married, it only causes problems.</p>

<p>Please do your daughter a favor, and cut the clearly still attached umbilical cord.</p>

<p>“I don’t want my kids taking pills or smoking pot. I told my daughter that I don’t want her dating until after shes married, it only causes problems.”</p>

<p>Ok, now we can tell you’re trolling</p>