
<p>Let me preface this by saying that I've done everything OTHER than visit CC. And I LOVE it! However, I've been coming across some older information about it being a stoner college. That worries me... I don't smoke and I'm allergic to the smell of tobacco (not sure about pot). I expect drinking and SOME smoking, but is it really prevalent?</p>

<p>Also, in one of my college guides the student mentioned that cocaine is accessible. Has any current student found this to be true?</p>

<p>Are there plenty of things to go do where people aren't intoxicated?</p>

<p>Good questions and things to be concerned about. I am a freshman and from my experience pot is prevalant on campus..harder drugs???? I am not sure. That being said, there is no pressure on campus to smoke and of all my friends, I'd say it's 50/50 in terms of use. All of the dorms are non-smoking so don't worry about the allergy thing.</p>

<p>CurrySpice, I'll be interested to hear more from current students, but just wanted to throw this in........you will be hard pressed to find any secular LAC that doesn't have a lot of dope and alcohol. And it's been that way since I graduated before the earth cooled.</p>

<p>Eh...I don't think pot/alcohol use at CC is really any different from other liberal arts colleges. While I've seen plenty of pot and alcohol, I have never seen any hard drugs. If you don't go looking for it, chances are you won't find it. </p>

<p>I had the same concerns as you going into CC. I was a bit worried about the stoner reputation because I don't smoke and I'm really not that into partying, so I didn't want to be stuck on weekends if I didn't feel like going out. Luckily, there are plenty of things to do if you don't want to get drunk/high. The campus always sponsors activities for Friday and Saturday nights such as movies, dance parties, video game nights, midnight breakfasts, etc. Plus, you're always welcome to attend parties while sober. It can be just as amusing as when drunk ;).</p>

<p>You can always choose to live in a substance free wing if you want quieter living conditions. As far as I know, the sub free communitites aren't that different from the regular communities, they are just slightly stricter in terms of having alcohol in the rooms. I'm pretty sure the consequences are harsher if you are caught with alcohol in a sub free hall, but you cannot get in trouble for going to a party or another hall and coming back drunk.</p>