DS has narrowed it down to 2 schools

<p>and they are VASTLY different. UA is one of them, of course. The other is the complete opposite:</p>

<p>small technical school
waaayyyyy up north (upper peninsula of MI)…very cold and snowy
not sports or greek focused
only have a pep band…no marching band</p>

<p>Distance is an issue with both. Small tech school is a 9 hour drive. UA is 15 hrs by car, 5-6 hours by car/plane. Costs will end up being very close with all scholarships figured in.</p>

<p>(He recently attended an overnight Honors event at school #3…and it served to eliminate that school from the list.)</p>

<p>I don’t know how he will possibly make a decision - but this will be a fun few months. :)</p>

<p>Don’t send your poor kid to Michigan Tech:) I’m from Michigan as well. Too damn cold and too much snow. Roll tide Roll! Plus the ratio of men to women is huge in favor of men. Not sure that is a good thing or a bad thing?</p>

<p>My daughter will be attending UA in the Fall. She chose Bama over Michigan.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>LOL…he LOVES Tech! I can’t for the life of me figure out why. He said yesterday he is leaning 80/20 towards UA…so that’s a good sign.</p>

<p>I was actually hoping he would select Michigan State because it is closer to ME (being selfish). If it’s between MI Tech and UA…I support UA all the way!</p>

<p>S had the same problem when all others were knocked out. He started out the whole process wanting a smaller school, sports teams were not important … </p>

<p>In the end when he opted for Alabama, he explained that although he could see himself at both schools he felt he’d have a more diverse experiences open to him at Alabama. Just one factor he used in helping make such a tough decision. Result :slight_smile: son. </p>

<p>Good luck. BTW he hasn’t released any football tickets yet.</p>

<p>That’s funny about the football tickets. I about fell out of my chair when (during UA University Days) my son proclaimed, “I may actually go to some of the football games!” He is the most anti-sports, anti-crowds, anti-noise kids you will ever meet. Happy, though, that he is open to expanding his horizons!</p>

anti-sports, anti-crowds, anti-noise…he would have thought that he was in the depths of Hell last weekend at UA. </p>

<p>However, I didn’t see any deer in the headlights stare/glare, just a bunch of jovial folks enjoying the beautiful weather in Tuscaloosa. Who knows? He may just surprise himself. I think the “right” crowd is different than “just a crowd.”</p>

<p>I can say that several students holed up in their suites or apartments to enjoy the game from the comfort of their safety zone. There’s definitely a little bit of everything around BAMA.</p>

<p>Best of luck with his choice…with a lil’ nudging from his Momma :slight_smile: ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>Well, we were actually at University Days in October…it was an away-game weekend. This is probably why he is still interested in UA. LOL!</p>

<p>Can’t imagine how he would have handled last weekend. I think once he’s there with his new friends (and possibly as a member of the Million Dollar Band) he will adjust very well to the excitement/chaos.</p>

<p>And, yes…he has thought about the possibility of having his dorm all to himself on game day. He seemed to like that idea, too!</p>

<p>Hmm, the Renaissance vs Houghton, Michigan. The hockey is definitely better in Houghton. :)</p>

<p>Yes, I’m biased. Lived in Michigan for six years, averaged 75 sunny days per year during my tenure at Michigan State. Best of luck with your decision, sincerely, . . . and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Early Saturday morning, the MDM was practicing with much enthusiasm. They had an audience of their own at their out-of-the-way practice field. The Elephant Stomp was awesome to see. Hopefully, he will be able to be a part of that someday!</p>

<p>Remember, football season is relatively short considering you’re on campus for 2 full semesters. I could see how it would be quite simple to lay low or “visit” areas in Alabama outside of Tuscaloosa to avoid the sports crowd.</p>

<p>I love tailgating, meeting new people and it was a bit overwhelming for me at times. My resolution was to walk down a less traveled street or find a corner in the Ferg to chill for a few. If an out-of-towner can escape, I’m sure a resident will have no problem.</p>

<p>My only input to your son’s happy dilemma is a question of where will your son have the most opportunities. Bama has proven to be amazing for my student. A large, diverse campus offers many unique possibilities.</p>

<p>The nice thing about the dorms on the north side of campus is that if you’re not interested in Game Day activities, that area is much more quiet (except probably last weekend when the entire town was crowded.)</p>