<p>Does anyone know if competitive colleges (though i'm not talking about ivies here) look down upon applicants who take dual credit classes at a local community college rather than taking the AP class for the subject? For example, I really don't want to take APUSH od AP Government and Economics, and my school offers a program for taking community college courses for the credits. Should I do this? or should i keep stressing out with my schools way-too-rigorous History Program?</p>
<p>Thanks for any input.</p>
<p>My guidance counselor told me that AP is always preferred over classes at a CC because when it comes to the AP test they can compare you to all other highschoolers, but they can’t compare you when you have CC classes</p>
<p>If you don’t plan on doing any type of history classes in college, considering i’m going either pre-med or engineering, do they still care? I know this sounds kind of unreasonable, but i really don’t want to go near the AP history department.</p>
<p>I’m not too sure. I’m only a junior. But have you taken any other AP classes? the AP history classes seem to be the easiest out of all of them, from what I’ve gathered. None of it is too “concept intensive” like AP calc or even AP bio for that matter</p>
<p>I’m sure you have your reasons but why is AP history scaring you off</p>
<p>If you can’t handle the workload or if you really don’t want to take APUSH, I would advise you to take the community college course. That way, you won’t regret getting a bad grade or overworking yourself in a course that you didn’t even want to take.</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses everyone!</p>
<p>1st poster- I’m mainly scared off from these classes because i’m having a hard time in world history right now, and the amount of work needed to do well isn’t really worth it, considering i don’t ever want to (or hopefully ever need to for that matter) apply it in my future. It’s bringing me down alot now, and at any given moment i feel like I should be studying for it, so it’s really taking a bad toll on me and stressing me out. But i Plan on taking a huge amount of the other AP classes (English, Bio, Chem, Physics, Environmental Sci, Comp Sci). I guess you could say i’m the type that actually needs said “concept intensive” classes to do well, haha. </p>
<p>2nd poster-I agree with you, and thats pretty much my mindset right now, i’ve talked to far too many people who regret taking APUSH and G/E.</p>
<p>I’m also considering testing out of World History through Credit by Exam, though i’m not sure how bad that would look.</p>
<p>This may depend on your school. APEuro and APUSH here are both a nightmare! My math/science son never touched AP social sciences. He took APs in math/science/english. I would say DE over college prep if you have them available. Some universities like to see that you have the ability to work on a college level without all the hand-holding that goes on in high school. Several of my son’s friends took some classes this way that only meet once a week and say it is a lot easier. They appreciate the lack of busy work. These are well organized students who work at a high level.</p>
<p>For the amount of time and effort, if social sciences are not something you think you can stomach you will likely jeopardize grades in all of your classes if you try to take an AP.</p>
<p>Oh in your case, if you are going to take the AP’s you mentioned then you shouldn’t even worry about it. CC history classes > AP history with bad grades/bad score and it it would cause all that stress it isn’t worth it to go the AP history route</p>
<p>Thank you guys so much, I’m probably not going to take them through the school, i need to keep my sanity. Plus while everyone else is struggling in those classes, my class rank will hopefully go up.
Thanks again for the opinions, its good to have somebody agree with me on this issue.</p>