I agree with everything said so far. However, I might take a stab to say maybe you’re getting hung up on the specific degree?!?
Having taught for 25+ years at a major University music school, I can say without a doubt that some of our BA students (meaning they Majored in something other than Music, but took lessons and some music courses to fulfill the BA requirements) were sometimes more talented than the music majors. You see, the decree name itself does NOT indicate passion, talent, career path, etc. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the need to identify the best school, degree, type (dual?, minor?) at this juncture, as if that’s the most important thing. YOUR HAPPINESS is the most important thing.
What you do once you get going in a school or path is what’s important! Many schools are now open to customized degrees, for example. Maybe you’ll find that CS isn’t for you, or that you’d like to prioritize music above CS, whatever. See how easy it is to completely upend this question then? Without being condescending, you’re still at an age where you may not know exactly what you want- it’s a mystery to many of us, regardless of age!!
So I’d advise you to start with what you know NOW to be true: CS major/music minor. Unless there’s a special reason to do so, I don’t see any advantages for doing a double major. Besides, music major is so much more time consuming than some other majors where maybe a cram session before a final exam can still ace the test! You can’t cram music practice- it will consume regular amounts (10-12 hours/minimum a week) of practice time BEYOND classes, homework, papers, ensembles, projects, lab. It will be like doing 3 majors!
Once you’re accepted into the school of your choice for CS, (it goes without saying that you made sure this particular school has a music program), they may/may not require an audition. Without knowing your level of talent on your instrument, I can’t say more than that the school will place you in a studio. You can have a say in this part by proactively contacting the teacher of choice before placements are made (like even before school starts, or as soon as you’re accepted).
Move along like this for a semester or two and see how you feel. There are a LOT of options for tweaking a little (or a LOT) based on your experience.