Does anyone have any experience with UA’s acceptance of OOS dual enrollment credits? We are in Florida, and my rising senior will have approximately 33 credits by the time he graduates high school. Most of these are gen-ed type credits, though there is a 3 hour engineering class thrown in the mix from a summer program he did at our local university.
Of course we will check directly with UA before making any decisions; I was just curious if anybody wanted to chime in with their experience.
We would be aiming for Presidential Scholar; my son will need to hold his GPA this last year in dual enrollment, and he’s taking a couple of tough classes. Therefore nothing is set in stone, and being OOS it will come down to the final stats (including DE credits accepted). He is planning to major in computer science or computer engineering.
UA is very generous with transfer credits for dual enrollment classes and many students like your son enter with sophomore standing. You can look up the credit for your son’s specific courses here.
Wow, thank you @AlbionGirl !
ETA: Holy smokes - they have a transfer equivalent for my son’s engineering DE credit!! =D>
UA does not differentiate between dual enrollment and college courses taken after the student graduated high school when it comes to granting transfer credit. I started UA with over 75 credits, most of which were some form of dual enrollment. You can find how courses will transfer at
UA only includes grades 9-11 when calculating scholarship GPA.
@SEA_tide - if that’s true (scholarship GPA calculation) you have just made my day! I don’t suppose you have a link for that? Anyway - thank you, and great job with your DE credits!
@SouthFloridaMom9 Here’s the quote from the FAQ on Bama’s scholarship website.
Grade point averages for 9th through 11th grade are the only years reviewed for these scholarships.
^^^ Yes. Although, it’s correct that GPA calculations for the scholarship are high school years one to three inclusive, the student must also score the correct level on either the ACT or the SAT tests (no superscoring allowed). In addition be aware that all DE Classes transfer With their respective grades.
Great point robotbldmom about that the DE classes transfer with grades. Try to do the best you can as it is much harder to start at UA without starting at 4.0. Also be aware that some of the classes do transfer as 197. That means that the class is counted in your credits/gpa but it really doesn’t take the place of a required course. The extra credits did help my son get to “sophomore” level though which translated to an earlier class registration time (and football choice time) when choosing his classes his 2nd semester of his first year.
Thank you all so much. Yes, we were aware about the grades transferring . . . that was always the thing that made me nervous about DE. It’s the same policy here in Florida. Fortunately he’s done well with his DE credits thus far, 5 A’s and 1 B (where he missed an A by 9 points, ugh). But he was going to stretch for a couple of classes this year, trying to fulfill those initial science/math courses that engineering/computer science departments require. Makes me nervous.
ETA: To further add to the pressure, we are a home education family so I am the de facto guidance counselor (!). That being said, we work closely with the dual enrollment advisor too.
While the DE grades do carry over and are calculated into the overall GPA, they are not a factor for UA scholarship retention. Only UA earned grades factor into the 3.0 minimum needed to retain the automatic UA scholarships.
^^^ That is true, the DE credits do not factor into the scholarship retention, but they are on your transcript and do factor into your overall GPA, in addition, if a student is applying for medical school, those DE classes will calculate into the AMCAS GPA calculation.
So many moving parts . . .