Dual Enrollment Transcripts

When I applied to my school, they only asked for my high school transcripts, though I mentioned taking dual enrollment classes. After getting accepted, I completely forgot about sending my transcripts for the college I took the DE classes through, since I took them at my high school and the grade was on my HS transcript, and my school never asked for the others. I obviously didn’t receive the credits for the classes, and I didn’t really think anything of it and assumed I would just use it as a chance to improve my grades in those classes. (not the exact same courses, they don’t align with my major anymore, but the courses I took were applicable for the subject credit.) I’m one month into my Freshman year of college, and it’s just now dawned on me that this is probably not what I was supposed to do/bad and potentially academic dishonesty, but at the time I didn’t know what that was and didn’t even think about it. I don’t know what I should do? Do I talk to my advisor and get the transcripts sent? If I do can I still remain in the classes I’m taking? If they took me out of them because I already had the subject credit I would fall below full time student status credit hour-wise. I’m not really sure how I should handle this, and any advise would be helpful.