Dual enrollment?

Hi everyone! I am planning on taking classes at the local community college the second semester of my junior year and my senior year. But the classes that I would take will not count in my HS GPA. Can I send those grades to the colleges, too? I won’t be able to take a lot of classes since I have already taken most of the senior-level English an history electives and am planning on dropping science ( I don’t know if that’s a good idea).

You will have to send the grades to the colleges too! It isn’t optional if they are credit classes.

It’s perfectly fine but keep your grades up as these DE classes will count towards your overall GPA.

College courses taken while in high school must be included when you apply to colleges. This means reporting them and/or sending transcripts as specified by the colleges you apply to.

Note that if you later want to apply to professional schools like medical or law, college courses taken while in high school and their grades to count toward you college GPA for those purposes.