Dual Enrollment

<p>Hey there,</p>

<p>I just got accepted into U-M today, everything's going well in school and all... the problem is, I'm doing dual enrollment at Wayne State, and the class I'm taking there is taught by a useless professor who has never taught before this semester and speaks little to no English, so needless to say, I'm not doing very well. The grade doesn't go on my high school transcript, it is simply transferrable college credit. Please pardon my ignorance here, but does anybody know if (1) Michigan will ask for my grade after the end of the semester and (2) if they do, could this have a potentially detrimental effect on my admission?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>


<p>i’m pretty sure as long as it is not failing, it will have little to no affect.
obviously, if you did not do well in this class i would not suggest transferring the credits to michigan and rather take it again in college.</p>

<p>Thanks for the answer, do you or anybody else know if they will ask me for my grade in the class (regardless of whether I transfer the credits)? I didn’t list it as part of my schedule but I wrote in the additional info section that I am taking it.</p>