<p>Hello! I am greatly considering dual enrollment. I am currently a high school sophomore and am sick of the environment and level of simplicity. I am currently taking AP World History, AP Art History, and AP Chemistry along with several honors classes. My class rank weighted is 6th. I am interested in beginning it senior year. Can somebody who is well informed give their opinions on the matter along with all pros and cons they can think of? It will be well appreciated :].</p>
<p>Go for it, especially if classes aren’t challenging you enough</p>
<p>I’ll be doing it next year</p>
<p>Do universities like it? I know they like AP Classes. How does dual enrollment compare? I will be attending it at a local community college.</p>
<p>While we on CC seem to worship the almighty AP, it is unlikely that any of them AP other than perhaps AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Physics, or an AP Foreign language course is going to get you credit for anything but a 100-level class. </p>
<p>Colleges want to see you taking the most challenging courses available, not overloading on your 8th random AP class. Therefore, choose college courses over AP courses when they are at a higher level. Especially: Calculus I&II over a year-long AP Calculus AB class, calc-based physics over AP Physics B, and pretty much any college statistics course over a year-long AP Stats course. You may still want to take the corresponding AP and SAT II test though, as they will help you get credit at more places and they will prove your knowledge in a standardized way.</p>
<p>If I don’t get into my state magnet, I’m planning on doing some thing like this for Junior year:</p>
<p>General Chemistry I&II (community college)
General Biology I&II (community college)
Multivariable Calculus (community college)
Differential Equations (community college)
Linear Algebra (community college)
American History I (community college)
Honors Earth Environmental Science
Honors English IV</p>
<p>Then I’d take the AP Chemistry exam, AP Biology exam, AP English Language and/or Lit, and the AP US History exam (after self-studying the 2nd half) along with perhaps a few self-studies. (Took APAH freshman year, taking AP Calc BC, AP Physics B, and AP Spanish Language this year.)</p>
<p>I did Dual Credit and was just fine… I took Government and Econ…Currently I’m taking Speech…</p>
<p>You should be fine whichever road you choose, both would look good.</p>
<p>It shows you have the will to succeed :)</p>