Duel Citizen

So I’m trying to register for the ACT, but I’m unsure what to put for my current citizenship. I’m a Canadian and US citizen, so do I put in “US citizen” or “other”? I currently live in Canada, but I am a duel citizen, so what should I put?

I am also wondering what the english language services is? I know I could just put “I prefer not to respond”, but I want to know what it actually means. Is that the last time I took an English language arts (ELA) class or something else?

Thanks in advance!

  1. You are a DUAL citizen- that is, a person with 2 citizenships, not a DUEL citizen
  2. If you are a US citizen you put "US citizen". If you were doing a form which favors Canadian citizens you would put "Canadian" *because both are true* and your other citizenship is irrelevant in this context.
  3. If English is not your first language AND your school is participating in an English Learners program (unlikely) then you might qualify for some "supports" from ACT, such as directions in your first language (limited number of languages available), a bilingual glossary, and a few other things. I doubt you qualify.