Duke black student alliance invitational? Does this mean I got accepted??

<p>I’m going as well! Flying into Durham around 10:30. Can’t wait to meet some of you! and kingkongisanape, thanks for reminding me about the dress thing. Completely forgot! </p>

<p>Anyone know what it means when they say, “Most students like to wear something different other than what was worn during the day for the evening social activities”? I understand changing clothes for the party on Friday. Do they want semi-formal attire for the dinner and fashion show?</p>

<p>I was invited. Unfortunately, I can’t go due to prior arrangements. However, it is nice to know that I’ve basically been accepted.</p>

<p>“What was your ACT/SAT? Maybe, that is a guide into what they are accepting this year…”</p>

<p>Seems to me there has always been a great deal more to it than that. for example the person who started this thread was apparently number one in his or her class. Another student on this thread has posted “numerical stats at the top of my class. (GPA - 4.3, SAT - 2340)”. Of course as far as i can tell, only three or four students have posted BSAI invites, so that’s not really a good sample size.</p>

<p>I agree. I know someone who got 36 in ACT was rejected. I still wonder what the criteria is.</p>

<p>here is one reference
my SAT is 1930…sorta low i know
gpa 4.65
rank 1/200</p>

<p>Here’s another:
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.9 W
Rank: 6/95</p>

<p>Sat: 2300
gpa: 4.0
rank: 1/346</p>

<p>SAT: 2090
ACT: 33
GPA: 3.8 UW, 4.2 W
Rank: School Does Not Rank</p>

<p>Heeyyy, anyone here on the delta flight in Atlanta at 9:55 am on Thursday???</p>

<p>I’m so excited to meet you all! Plus I get to miss 2 days of school which is always nice :slight_smile: I’m driving down from Virginia. I’ll probably arrive around 8:00am Thursday. And @kgoodwin18 I was wondering the same thing haha, what do they mean by evening social activities? And how dressy are you guys getting for the welcoming dinner? </p>

<p>Oh and my stats are:
SAT: 2130
GPA: 3.9UW 4.2W
School doesn’t rank.</p>

<p>Actually, I spoke to my friend who is a current student there (we went to the same high school so we know each other pretty well and she went to BSAI last year) and her words exactly were, “PARTY CLOTHES. club dresses, etc. Look sexy because we are going out all weekend! it’ll be fun.” So if anyone else was wondering…there you go. </p>

<p>As for the welcoming dinner, she also said, “What you wear to church is fine. A dress & heels. Khakis even.”</p>

<p>Well that certainly sounds…interesting haha. But thanks for clarifying that, this weekend will definitely be eventful! See you all soon! :)</p>

<p>looking forward to meeting you guys!!..and missing school lol. I’ll be easy to spot cuz i’ll be the girl who looks 12…literally. it’s weird tho cause I won’t know anyone, but at the same time, I’ll sorta know people just from this thread even though I won’t know exactly who is who haha :)</p>

<p>I’m flying from l.a</p>

<p>^ You’re coming from so far away! And I know what you mean @Zambia. At first I was a bit worried about not knowing anyone, but then I realized everyone else will be the same haha. </p>

<p>But on a side note, does anyone know what the sleeping arrangements will be like? I’ll bring a sleeping bag, but my mom’s getting a hotel nearby and I want to join her but at the same time I feel as if I’ll be missing a huge chunk of the overall experience! What are all of your plans?</p>

<p>I’m so glad I found this thread. I’m flying from phoenix, az. @Sunshine Daises, you should have been contacted by your host. As far as i know, we are each assigned a host (current freshman), and we stay in their dorm. How dressy are you guy’s getting, 'cause i packed casual clothes…?</p>

<p>@Sunshine Daisies</p>

<p>My host told me she had a hardwood floor and that she’s trying to find me an air mattress because a sleeping bag will be too thin. But I’m still bringing a sleeping bag just in case. And I think it’s better to sleep on campus. It’s nice of your mom to stay in a hotel, but according to my host, a lot of things will be going late into the night and I wouldn’t be too sure if you’d have consistent transportation to and from the hotel at such an hour.</p>

<p>You guys are probably right, I’ll just bring a sleeping bag. Thanks for the help :slight_smile: And I was contacted by my host! She’s incredibly nice :slight_smile: And @pinkrocket she says to bring both casual and dressy clothes because at night they have parties. Happy travels everyone!</p>

<p>LOLOLOL I MET ONE PERSON ALREADY!!! haha we should have a college confidential meet up! guys! i wanna know who you guys are :slight_smile: but it would be awkward to ask people if they are from CC lol. anyways, say hi if u see me! I’m under 5ft with twists in hair and as i said before i look very young (12 or 13) haha. its ok that i sound like a total creep, i’m not tho… :P</p>

<p>How was the BSAI??? I really want to know haha I was invited but couldn’t make it. What type of things did they tell the students?</p>